Commitment"I commit myself to active spiritual practice and to align with spirit to work for the greatest good."
Respecting Others"I commit wholeheartedly to respect other people (their differences, their views, their origins, backgrounds and issues), other people’s property, and all forms of life, holding these all to be sacred and aspects of the divine."
Non-Violence"I agree not to inflict my attitudes or desires on others. I agree to step in and stop, or at least say that I would like stopped, actions (including manipulation or intimidation) that I feel may be abusive to myself or others in my community."
Agreements"I commit to keeping agreements I have made and not to break or try to evade any laws, rules, or guidelines; to have honest dealings with all bodies."
Service"I commit myself to the service of others and to our planet, recognizing that I must also serve myself in order to practice this effectively."
Direct Communication"I commit to using clear and honest communication with open-listening, heart-felt responses, loving acceptance and straightforwardness. In public and in private I will not speak in a way that maligns or demeans others. I will talk to people rather than about them. I may seek helpful advice, but will not seek to collude."
Perspective"I take responsibility to work through and put aside my personal issues for the benefit of the client(s). I will resolve all personal conflicts as soon as possible. I acknowledge that there may be wider perspectives than my own and deeper issues than those that may immediately concern me."
Personal Growth"I commit myself to the expansion of human consciousness, including my own, and I recognize and change any of my personal attitudes or behavior patterns which do not serve this aim. I take full responsibility for the spiritual, environmental and human effects of all my activities."
Reflection"I recognize that anything I see outside myself – any criticisms, irritations or appreciations – may also be the reflections of what is inside me. I commit to looking at these within myself before reflecting them to others."
Cooperation"I recognize that in my spiritual community that it functions only through my cooperation and my good communication. I agree to communicate my decisions clearly. I agree to communicate with others who may be affected by my actions and decisions and to consider their views carefully and respectfully. I recognize that others may make decisions which affect me and I agree to respect the care, integrity and wisdom that they have put into their decision-making process."
Personal Integrity"I commit to maintain high standards of personal integrity, embodying congruence of thought, word and action."
Responsibility"I take responsibility for my actions and for my mistakes. I am willing to listen to constructive criticism and to offer constructive feedback to others in a caring and appropriate fashion, to challenge and support clients to grow."
Resolution"I commit to make every effort to resolve conflicts or confusion. At any time I may call for an advocate, friend, independent observer or mediator to be involved."
Commitment"I commit to exercising the spirit of this statement in all my dealings."
*Lori shares many of her own transformative experiences with clients, where appropriate. The ultimate intent is to help bring understanding, to share, to learn, and to develop new ways to expand and send many different forms of transformation to the world. However, it begins with one person. Many people face huge trials in life and Lori will stand by her clients when compassion and emotional support is welcomed.