Services Offered
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of "trance" that is natural. Each of us has the ability to enter this state. Some people are more easily able than others at entering deep trance (a deep level of hypnosis commonly called somnambulism). Everyone is able to enter this somnambulistic level of trance, but some enter it more easily than others. We each have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is that part of you that you're conscious of, the part of you that you "think" with. It consists of all of your conscious thoughts, and is generally limited to thinking of around seven things at any one time.
Your subconscious mind handles the millions of details that you encounter every day of your life. Your subconscious is the domain of your emotions. It's where your learnings and memories are kept, and it maintains all your perceptions, learnings and habits. It is that part of the mind that we unconsciously habituate in our every day lives but we are not fully conscious of it at all times.
Basically, hypnosis allows us to open the subconscious mind to positive suggestion, while the conscious mind wanders or is otherwise distracted.
Your subconscious mind handles the millions of details that you encounter every day of your life. Your subconscious is the domain of your emotions. It's where your learnings and memories are kept, and it maintains all your perceptions, learnings and habits. It is that part of the mind that we unconsciously habituate in our every day lives but we are not fully conscious of it at all times.
Basically, hypnosis allows us to open the subconscious mind to positive suggestion, while the conscious mind wanders or is otherwise distracted.
What hypnosis is NOT
Hypnosis is NOT mind control, brainwashing, black magic or voodoo. The hypnotist has no special powers over you. Hypnosis IS actually a cooperative activity, which requires your full consent. As a matter of fact, ALL hypnosis is SELF-hypnosis and 98% of it is up to the client. You enter into your own trance (whatever that means is for you) and the hypnotist merely guides you through your experience and offers suggestions to the subconscious mind along the way so that you may effect behavioral changes in your own life. Once you close your eyes, you are 50% there.
Did you know you are in a state of hypnosis, in and out of your day, all the time?
It's true! You may not know this, but you've already been hypnotized.
Do you catch yourself daydreaming? Have you ever driven on a long road trip only to wonder how on earth you got there because you don't remember all the little details along the way? Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and got so "into it" that you lost track of time and felt as though you were there, live in the story?
These are altered states called "highway trance," "movie or book trance." It is when your subconscious mind takes over while the conscious mind wanders about. So, in reality, you have been hypnotized! You just didn't know you can use this state for a really positive purpose!
Do you catch yourself daydreaming? Have you ever driven on a long road trip only to wonder how on earth you got there because you don't remember all the little details along the way? Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and got so "into it" that you lost track of time and felt as though you were there, live in the story?
These are altered states called "highway trance," "movie or book trance." It is when your subconscious mind takes over while the conscious mind wanders about. So, in reality, you have been hypnotized! You just didn't know you can use this state for a really positive purpose!
Hypnosis offered by Lori Lines
QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Lori is a Level 3 Certified QHHT Practitioner through QHHT Official Academy. These sessions very comprehensive and are
5 - 6 hours in duration.
5 - 6 hours in duration.
Past Life Regression
Through her certification as a QHHT practitioner, Lori is able to do Past Life Regressions. This does not include a long interview and the deeper Higher-Self access that QHHT affords. Sessions for PLR are about 2 1/2 hours in duration.
Higher-Self Coaching & Spiritual Sounding Board Session
What is Higher-Self Coaching & Sounding Board?
Lori possesses ability to access her higher-self, which is an innate guidance system of wisdom we all have but some do not trust their own. Using higher-self intuition, Lori can coach and offer mentoring, suggestions and/or probable outcomes based on your decisions in the future. This is not a psychic reading as Lori endeavors to empower you to access your own answers to life's burning questions. Lori can also teach you how to access and develop your intuition, through sessions, through classes or through mindful meditation coaching as an extension to your own spiritual practice so that you can get the clarity you need in any particular situation you are facing.