Have you ever wondered if you can heal yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Past life regressions can be particularly helpful in this regard. By traveling back in time to explore our past lives, we can tap into the wisdom of angelic realms and beyond, using the QHH Technique to gain more insight and understanding. With the help of QHHT®, in conjunction with Past Life Regression, you can communicate with your higher self (also known as the Subconscious or S.C.) under Lori's expert guidance, unlocking your true power and realizing that anything and everything is possible.
What is QHHT?
QHHT® stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, which Dolores Cannon developed during her 45-year career as a regressive hypnotherapist. She refined this technique by working with thousands of clients worldwide. Lori has received training from Dolores' Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy and is certified to practice this method with her clients. She is a Level 3 Certified Practitioner.
The concept of "Past Life Regression" has gained popularity as people explore their past lives. However, as human consciousness expands, individuals have begun to experience more than just their past lives. Some claim to have experienced alternate lives, extraterrestrial lives, and lives in other dimensions. Some even visit the spirit side, while others find themselves in the Akashic Records or the Temple of Healing. The QHHT® technique guides clients to "the most appropriate time and place" to address their requests for healing or information.
It is believed that specific issues such as traumas, phobias, addictions, allergies, and life patterns can stem from past life conditioning that carries over into the current life. Lori utilizes the QHH technique, which involves working with the higher self to address and heal the issues that you are currently experiencing.
Working with the Higher Self can bring help in many ways.
As a practitioner of QHHT, Lori understands that the higher self possesses complete knowledge of your life and all that is true about you. Thus, one of her first steps is communicating with your higher self to gather information on your behalf. This information is crucial to the healing process as it provides comfort, support, and a better understanding of different aspects of your life. The higher self carefully selects only the relevant information that will benefit you.
As we navigate through this period of profound change and transformation, many individuals are expanding their belief systems to integrate novel ideas and concepts by exploring alternative sources of information that traditional science has either discredited or disregarded. However, the explanation offered by our higher self for why we encounter discomfort and illness is likely to challenge the beliefs of many individuals entrenched in contemporary medical and scientific paradigms.
The free flow of information through the Internet and rapid communication worldwide are challenging long-held ideas and beliefs. In order to comprehend the concept of the Higher Self and its significance in Dolores Cannon's QHHT technique, one needs to be open to expanding one's belief system and understanding the following concepts in their proper context.
The concept of "Past Life Regression" has gained popularity as people explore their past lives. However, as human consciousness expands, individuals have begun to experience more than just their past lives. Some claim to have experienced alternate lives, extraterrestrial lives, and lives in other dimensions. Some even visit the spirit side, while others find themselves in the Akashic Records or the Temple of Healing. The QHHT® technique guides clients to "the most appropriate time and place" to address their requests for healing or information.
It is believed that specific issues such as traumas, phobias, addictions, allergies, and life patterns can stem from past life conditioning that carries over into the current life. Lori utilizes the QHH technique, which involves working with the higher self to address and heal the issues that you are currently experiencing.
Working with the Higher Self can bring help in many ways.
As a practitioner of QHHT, Lori understands that the higher self possesses complete knowledge of your life and all that is true about you. Thus, one of her first steps is communicating with your higher self to gather information on your behalf. This information is crucial to the healing process as it provides comfort, support, and a better understanding of different aspects of your life. The higher self carefully selects only the relevant information that will benefit you.
As we navigate through this period of profound change and transformation, many individuals are expanding their belief systems to integrate novel ideas and concepts by exploring alternative sources of information that traditional science has either discredited or disregarded. However, the explanation offered by our higher self for why we encounter discomfort and illness is likely to challenge the beliefs of many individuals entrenched in contemporary medical and scientific paradigms.
The free flow of information through the Internet and rapid communication worldwide are challenging long-held ideas and beliefs. In order to comprehend the concept of the Higher Self and its significance in Dolores Cannon's QHHT technique, one needs to be open to expanding one's belief system and understanding the following concepts in their proper context.
Past life conditioning can cause traumas, phobias, addictions, allergies, and life patterns that carry over into the present life. Lori uses QHHT to work with the higher self and effectively heal and eradicate such issues, where appropriate.
Working with the higher self is not just about healing; it's about empowerment. The higher self holds all the information about an individual's life, providing comfort, support, and better understanding. This access to information can empower individuals, making them feel more in control and confident in various areas of their lives.
Lori will ask the higher self questions about an individual's life to obtain crucial information for the technique's healing aspect. The higher self will only share appropriate and beneficial information at the time.
The higher self's explanation for discomfort and disease may challenge many people's belief systems in our current medical and scientific paradigms. However, in a time of significant change and transition, people seek out alternative information and incorporate new ideas and concepts that mainstream science has ignored.
Emerging fresh ideas and concepts require attention as traditional thinking breaks down. To comprehend the Higher Self and the QHHT technique, one must expand one's belief system to understand these concepts in context
In recent decades, advancements in Quantum Physics have led to increasing evidence supporting the idea that our thoughts shape our reality. Scientific research has shown that our thoughts have a direct and measurable effect on physical matter, as everything in the universe is comprised of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Our thoughts are a form of energy projection; as conscious beings, we control what we think. When we say "I love you" or "I hate you," we are physically projecting our thought energy, which can profoundly affect the bodies of those we say it to.
It is essential to understand that the purpose of this information is not to impose any ideas on anyone but rather to provide a foundation for understanding Dolores' QHHT technique and how it achieves its results. The numerous advances in quantum physics over recent decades have led to a growing body of evidence that supports the idea that the thoughts we predominantly think determine the reality we experience. Scientific evidence now confirms that thought has a direct, measurable effect on physical matter. This is because all matter is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Thought is a projection of power, and as humans, we have evolved to a point where we can consciously control our thoughts. The phrases 'I love you' and 'I hate you' are energetic projections that affect the physical bodies of those who hear them.
The intention here is not to sway your beliefs or dismiss your reservations, but to offer a platform for understanding Dolores' QHHT technique and its potential. You are in control of what you are ready to accept or reject, and this information is merely a tool to facilitate your understanding.
Working with the higher self is not just about healing; it's about empowerment. The higher self holds all the information about an individual's life, providing comfort, support, and better understanding. This access to information can empower individuals, making them feel more in control and confident in various areas of their lives.
Lori will ask the higher self questions about an individual's life to obtain crucial information for the technique's healing aspect. The higher self will only share appropriate and beneficial information at the time.
The higher self's explanation for discomfort and disease may challenge many people's belief systems in our current medical and scientific paradigms. However, in a time of significant change and transition, people seek out alternative information and incorporate new ideas and concepts that mainstream science has ignored.
Emerging fresh ideas and concepts require attention as traditional thinking breaks down. To comprehend the Higher Self and the QHHT technique, one must expand one's belief system to understand these concepts in context
In recent decades, advancements in Quantum Physics have led to increasing evidence supporting the idea that our thoughts shape our reality. Scientific research has shown that our thoughts have a direct and measurable effect on physical matter, as everything in the universe is comprised of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Our thoughts are a form of energy projection; as conscious beings, we control what we think. When we say "I love you" or "I hate you," we are physically projecting our thought energy, which can profoundly affect the bodies of those we say it to.
It is essential to understand that the purpose of this information is not to impose any ideas on anyone but rather to provide a foundation for understanding Dolores' QHHT technique and how it achieves its results. The numerous advances in quantum physics over recent decades have led to a growing body of evidence that supports the idea that the thoughts we predominantly think determine the reality we experience. Scientific evidence now confirms that thought has a direct, measurable effect on physical matter. This is because all matter is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Thought is a projection of power, and as humans, we have evolved to a point where we can consciously control our thoughts. The phrases 'I love you' and 'I hate you' are energetic projections that affect the physical bodies of those who hear them.
The intention here is not to sway your beliefs or dismiss your reservations, but to offer a platform for understanding Dolores' QHHT technique and its potential. You are in control of what you are ready to accept or reject, and this information is merely a tool to facilitate your understanding.
A properly trained QHHT practitioner conducts their sessions in person for the benefit of their clients. The sessions should be at least 5 hours long and not divided into two separate sessions on different days, as this is not considered authentic QHHT. Nevertheless, with authentic QHHT, anything is possible and the experience can be life-changing. The energetic exchange between a compassionate practitioner and their client cannot be replicated with a disruptive screen in between.
QHHT Healing
The Higher Self can identify any physical problem that it detects within the body to a QHHT Practitioner and explain the causes of its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Higher Self, an aspect of the client, is then asked if it is suitable for healing. If it is, the healing is instantaneous without medication, surgery, or pain. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the client.
For healing to occur, individuals must desire and prioritize it without affecting their life goals. As infinite souls, we have incarnated on Earth to experience our own experiences. The Higher Self of a blind person would not heal their sight if being blind was one of the critical aspects of their life that they agreed to experience. Similarly, it would not heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not learned to love and respect their body. The Higher Self is very literal in its thinking.
There are no guarantees, but remarkable results have been observed with clients during a session. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations except the limits of your imagination.
For healing to occur, individuals must desire and prioritize it without affecting their life goals. As infinite souls, we have incarnated on Earth to experience our own experiences. The Higher Self of a blind person would not heal their sight if being blind was one of the critical aspects of their life that they agreed to experience. Similarly, it would not heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not learned to love and respect their body. The Higher Self is very literal in its thinking.
There are no guarantees, but remarkable results have been observed with clients during a session. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations except the limits of your imagination.
The Value of a QHHT Session
The value of QHHT is that it can allow us to integrate deeper soul truths at the level of the subconscious mind thus helping us to more easily live from them in our daily lives. This is because, towards the end of the session, the background noise of the thinking mind is silenced and you are fully anchored in the here and now which is actually a higher dimension of your being that is saturated in peace, love, and clarity. You are more deeply connected to the soul part of you that is always here. In other words, you get a chance to experience, in your session, your true self as the eternal being that you always were and will be.
Preparing for your QHHT Session with Lori
- Have a positive intention for a great session! This is key to the success of your time spent with Lori. It is very important to Lori that you really want this experience. It makes the experience go so much more smoothly. Your INTENTION to having a great session is key! Once you have made the decision to have a QHHT session, your Higher Consciousness is already preparing and getting ready to have a wonderful conversation with you. Your conscious self needs to be reminded that it will be taking a back seat in this experience. Start repeating to yourself several times a day that you connect to your Higher Self easily. Note: not that you WILL but that you DO.
- Write down your questions/concerns clearly ON PAPER. This cannot be stressed enough. This is the focal point of your session so please come prepared. Lori will ask you to write down questions about your life and bring them to the appointment. Lori always advises her clients to divide the questions into categories such as Health/Physical, Relationships, Spiritual, and Career/Life purpose or any other category you choose. Please be sure you write down the questions in a readable format. Either handwriting them or typing them out is perfect. Up to 20 questions is optimal for an entire session. It is not necessary to send Lori your questions in advance.
- Before your session, do something that puts you in a calm state such as meditation, walking in nature, or listening to soothing music. There is a beautiful park nearby with a river running though it. If you have time before your session, just google San Gabriel Park. Very scenic and serene.
- Do Not Ingest Alcohol or Caffeine the day before your session and the day of your session.
- Refrain from ingesting caffeine or any foods that may disrupt your digestive system the day before and the day of your session, too.
- Eat a nutritious (yet light) meal before coming in to your session. The sessions last as long as 5-6 hours, sometimes longer, on rare occasions. You may bring a snack to eat when we take a short break during the interview process. It is also advisable to eat a snack after the hypnosis part of the session. Lori will provide bottled water if you'd like.
- Bring a change of clothing. There has been a very rare occasion or two when so much energy ran through a client, that they have become nauseated and expelled energy no longer needed. Best to be prepared but not to worry about it because it is very natural during the healing process.
- An audio recording will be included during the session. Although you may remember your entire session, just like a dream, it can fade away. Having a digital recording of your session will help you process your experience after the session. The more you listen to your recording, the more rooted the changes within you will become or the more the advice from your higher-self will penetrate your be-ing.
- * You will receive your recording via email within a few days after your session.*
- Your session is completely private and confidential. If your spouse, partner, family member or friend wants to be with you during the session, this is not allowed. Period. Requests for your QHHT session recording from friends or family members will not be honored due to confidentiality reasons. You may share your recording, thoughts or memories of your session with friends or family at your discretion after the session.
- Know that Lori is certified and has been trained at Delores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy. Lori will talk about how easy it is to allow yourself to be guided into a peaceful, relaxed, and safe state and that your Higher-self is an all-knowing and all-loving presence that is here to help you move forward in your life for your highest good and in the best way possible.
- Lori has personally witnessed amazing healing of the mind, body and spirit in many clients. She has witnessed when the higher-self made known the root causes of their struggles, clients have been allowed to move forward in their lives in a happier, healthier and more peaceful existence. Please understand that it is not LORI who is DOING the healing but she is a GUIDE which allows you to heal yourself in this guided experience.
- If you have any questions about QHHT with Lori, please contact her HERE, she will be happy to respond to your questions as soon as possible.
Dolores Cannon on what to expect from a QHHT session. |
Suzanne on QHHT session updated info, advice and how we've evolved. |
What to Expect from a QHHT Session with Lori
A typical first time session will last anywhere from 5-7 hours and is a basic 3 step process:
At the end of the session, most clients find themselves in awe of what just happened. You will not be the same person you were when you entered the session. The beauty of QHHT is that you come out of it knowing much more about yourself and the "whys" in your life and you will also have had a healing of your body, mind, and spirit. This is a multi-dimensional experience and once having it you will have a clear understanding of how to maintain this connection to your Higher Self in your quiet time, meditation, or theta state.
- The Interview: You and Lori will sit down and talk about your life so she can get to know you.
- Hypnosis Session: You will lie down on a comfortable surface and Lori will ask you to see some things.
- Recap the highlights: When you are done, you and Lori will take time to talk about what you saw.
At the end of the session, most clients find themselves in awe of what just happened. You will not be the same person you were when you entered the session. The beauty of QHHT is that you come out of it knowing much more about yourself and the "whys" in your life and you will also have had a healing of your body, mind, and spirit. This is a multi-dimensional experience and once having it you will have a clear understanding of how to maintain this connection to your Higher Self in your quiet time, meditation, or theta state.
What's the Investment?
$800 for a first-time QHHT session. The average time is 5-6 hours for a session with Lori.
$600 for a follow-up QHHT session. The average time is 3-4 hours for a session with Lori.
$600 for a follow-up QHHT session. The average time is 3-4 hours for a session with Lori.
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Client Feedback for Lori & QHHT