By Lori Lines I talk to people every day who say they feel like they want and need to do more in their lives...the words "meaningful" and "make a difference in the lives of others" are echoed throughout my days that come out of the mouths of so many. Is this something you would consider? There are so many possibilities once you become a QHHT practitioner. Helping people awaken to their true selves, assisting with life questions that can be difficult to get answers for, and even physical healing are just a few benefits for those seeking our help and facilitation of this wonderful method Dolores Cannon pioneered. Whether you are interested in QHHT as a career or just to have this skill for those in your inner circle, take it from me, this is a very rewarding skill to have and to share with others. So, if you are interested in taking the Level 1 Online class that gives you all you need to conduct a full session, click on the Qhht Official button below for more information and sign up for the class. Also, enjoy a promotional discount by entering SPREADLOVE in promo section. Feel free to share the link and discount code to anyone you feel would love to acquire these skills!
By Lori Lines
Have you ever thought about hosting a gathering of like-minded friends? Share a very unique and bonding experience with your family, friends, and colleagues by hosting a group Past Life Regression gathering! This special three-hour event at your location will include introductions, pre-talk about hypnosis, questions and answers, a group Past Life Regression, spiritual guidance connecting the past life to the present, and afterward, optional sharing of individual experiences. This is not a QHHT session. Host/Hostess is encouraged to provide comfortable arrangements for guests to lie down, including water, snacks, etc. Locations may include private homes, businesses, churches... basically anywhere we can be comfortable and undisturbed for about three hours. There have been extraordinary results with group regressions. Those who participate continue to surprise me and exceed all of my expectations; the post-session sharing of Past Life stories always astounds me. I look forward to working closely with you to provide your group a professional, yet warm and magical experience, full of laughter, love, and learning -- one that is memorable, at least for the rest of your current lifetime! I love facilitating these group events so much -- they are really fun. I am always willing to be as flexible as possible in accommodating any special needs of your group event. Please contact me for more information. Hope to see you soon! - Lori By Lori Lines The human body you stand in and the life that you are living right now is just a small part of the long journey of your soul. To better help understand who you really are, beyond the superficial, ego-attached being most people initially identify with, you can turn to the guidance and answers provided by past life regression sessions. During a past life regression, you will see events play out before you from past lives as though these events are happening right now. Although these regressions can spontaneously occur on their own - and can explain strange scenes that pop into your head or memories that you feel aren’t yours - the safest, best way to experience them is with the guidance and support of a professional. Sometimes referred to as PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy), these professional sessions can leave you with a mountain of benefits.
Past life regression sessions can help you answer questions, but, more importantly, they leave you with a sense of peace and knowing and the confidence you need to keep doing your soul’s work in this lifetime. For a Past Life Regression Session or a QHHT® Session, contact me for more information or to schedule an appointment. Many Blessings and Peace, Lori By Lori Lines I find that many do not realize that their heart chakras are wounded, from past lives carried into now, and this wounding shows up mostly in our relationships. We see this wounding played out everywhere. It's in the movies, it's in those who desperately participate in internet dating & hookups, it's reflected in the masculine and the feminine behaviors of betrayal, fear, anger. It's displayed in that "WANT" for the perfect love that eludes so many. The implications of this sorrow and heartache seeps in and permeates all of us that comprise the mainstream of life and it emanates itself within humanity. It is this wounding that collectively causes discord, chaos, divisiveness and disruption in all aspects of our lives. And, here we are. Collectively, we have come down this road of pain and suffering. We are on this beautiful planet and this is how we've been behaving. And it has affected all of humanity and all our Mother Earth 's creatures. There is a shift and a change happening. Whether we are ready for this change remains to be seen. We are learning how to overcome obstacles and adversity in a non-violent way. Because, after all, how has this violence and divisiveness served us? It's time to bridge yourself to your own sovereignty and to heal the wounds of the heart. It's time to connect with and to love those with whom you have heart connection - whether it's physical connection or spiritual connection doesn't really matter. More importantly it's time to connect with your own heart by allowing yourself to fill up with your own self love and Divinity. In my work, I hear time and time again how love has been cast aside when darkness has come between the light of deep love. Love and hate (hate is really fear) are two sides of the same coin. Let us not attempt to repel the dark but to embrace it in a state of unconditional love. We will not lose love or fear! It's always there. Choose to step in to the courtship (within as well as without), free from interference and it shall be so. Feel your emotions and begin to disallow distractions from them. These emotions are real and concrete. They are clues to the depths of the wounding that has taken place. When you do this, you will begin to deeply understand who you really are as you stand still and firmly in place. Do not be frightened. You will begin to understand the heart of humanity and, in time, you will finally let go and flow along, in trust of her gentle wave, guiding you as you finally realize your Divine connection to everything. As you do you will transform, you will emanate a light for others - showing them the way to their own enlightenment. It is our birthright to be abundant, as human beings, but it must me a balanced abundance individually and collectively. When we balance within, we will have all the abundance we will ever desire including possessing the sight that pierces darkness in our newfound clarity of vision. We have incarnated onto earth at this time to powerfully and deeply transform. Many of us will hold the sacred keys to love and abundance as this collective transformation continues, allowing us to be the way-showers as we lead with our individual and collective light. No matter where you are in your transformation process, emanate your light from where you are. You will be helping, not only yourself, but those around you. I am shown many souls who are desperately seeking their destiny and as they search, they are tired and feeling hopeless as they've been rowing and drifting from here to there - trying to find the secure shore. Not understanding that what they are seeking is within them. I'm encouraged to see the light coming up over the horizon. Know that those feelings of fear, frustration and hopelessness are the dark just before the light is seen and felt. Have no doubt that those of you reading this are leading the way forward - onward and upward. Do not worry. This is the moment before change occurs. In the moments you are exhausted and you feel you just cannot go on, this will be the time of a new birth. And you will rise. Endeavor to be the change you wish to see and it will be so. If you are interested in understanding your sacred path and if you feel ready, I encourage you to experience a past life regression or a QHHT session with me. For an appointment, click HERE! Wishing you love, peace and blessings, Lori Lines By Lori Lines Hello Everyone, I am so excited to announce that, in addition to my psychic/intuitive counseling sessions, I am now offering Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions! What is QHHT? In a nutshell, it is past life regressions with your higher self guidance. It's more than past lives, it is healing through understanding of your past life experiences and how they relate to your current life situations. I have been through QHHT training with Delores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, I have several clients who have gone through this technique with my guidance, and we have experienced wonderful results! WHAT IS QHHT? Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a technique of hypnosis coined by Dolores Cannon which she developed and refined over her 45 year career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients in countries all over the world. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHH started, with exploration of Past Lives. Today, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than just Past Lives are available to experience. Some people experience Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions. Some people visit the Spirit Side. Some people find themselves in the Akashic Records and still others visit the Temple of Healing. QHH focuses on the concept that the client will go to "the most appropriate time and place" to address any requests for healing or information. Traumas, phobias, addictions, allergies, and life patterns can come from past life conditioning that is carried over into the current life. I use the QHH technique to work with the higher self in healing and abolishing these issues that you may currently be experiencing. Working with the Higher Self helps you to the greatest extent possible in whatever capacity possible. This help can come in many different ways. The higher self knows the truth and everything there is to know about you and the life you are currently living, so one of the first actions taken by Lori is to ask the higher self the questions you have about your own life. Obtaining this information, on your behalf, is crucial to the healing aspect of the technique as it provides you with comfort, support and greater understanding in the various areas of your life. The higher self will only choose to share information that is appropriate at the time and information that will only be of benefit to you. The explanation the higher self provides for why we experience discomfort and disease will most certainly challenge the belief systems of many people in our current medical and scientific paradigms. As we move through this time of great change and transition, many people are indeed stretching their belief systems to incorporate new ideas and concepts by seeking out alternative information that mainstream science has either dispelled or ignored. Many long held paradigms of accepted thought are beginning to crumble and are slowly being replaced by concepts and ideas that can no longer be suppressed as a result of the Internet and instantaneous communication all over the world. In order to understand the Higher Self and this component of Dolores Cannon's QHHT technique, you will have to stretch your belief system to enable you to understand the following concepts in the context they are given. So, stay tuned. I will be blogging about the beautiful experiences my clients are having so you can make an informed decision as to whether you want to work with me or not. In the meantime, check out my most current reviews about what my clients have experienced here: Wishing you love, peace, and many blessings,
Lori |
Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories