![]() By Lori Lines Many clients mention the yearning for connection with like-minded people because, in this age of social media, political divisiveness, and information overload, we are disconnected more than ever. But that doesn't have to be the case, if one is open and willing to put down the smartphones, close down their laptops, and take responsibility for making a few changes. Several years ago I moved back to my hometown after being gone for several years. Though there were still a few people I knew from my old school days, I had grown in a different direction and I didn't have much in common with most of them anymore. After settling in, I decided it was time to find my soul tribe of like-minded individuals. I attended a few meet-up groups before I settled in on one. From that point on, I met a few wonderful, like-minded folks that have become a core soul-group...these people have been there through thick and thin and I feel so blessed to have them in my life. Attracting our soul group is an important part of the journey to accessing inner peace and a more productive and joy-filled life. Finding that group of individuals who truly "get" us can completely enrich our lives. What I've learned is by understanding who you are and sharing similar values and beliefs helps ensure that you will be able to speak for hours and enjoy your connections. While finding them can be challenging, here are some tips to help you attract your soul group and enjoy a more satisfying life:
By the way, if you are interested in going deeper into understanding your relationships, you might want to schedule an intuitive guidance appointment with me so we can delve into specifics. In love and truth, Lori Lines
![]() By Lori Lines I began this article over a month ago as I wanted to bring insight into this year 2018. With many shifts and changes in my own life, I had to defer to other life events and I find it quite prolific that I'm able to finish it on the first full moon of March, my birthday month. With that said, it is my current belief that my sun sign, Pisces, is an energy that embodies and enfolds the spirit of all zodiac signs on some level. There are messages coming through me that have been accompanying me on this journey. What is coming through is a foreshadowing and that which has supported us in our journey...shifts and growth up to now. Spirit acknowledges us and the place in which we now stand. I am in deep gratitude that you have been with me on this journey I've been on while conversing with many of you. As I journey into and through 2018 there is more gratitude for each and every one of you for the courage, support, patience you've been sending me. Many of us have been going so very deep into our intrinsic natures as we travel on the soul level. 2018, as I understand it, will be about the very deep acknowledgment of ourselves - of our be-ing and of the way in which each of us stands on this planet. As spirit beings, having come through our transitions, shifts and changes - as we walk this year we will be in a new state of being as we have been completely transformed using all that has become available to us through our shifts and changes within. As we continue to transition in 2018 it is no surprise there's indication of a new life. Many of you stand, reborn, having acquired new visions, new truths - we arise. I cannot think of a more beautiful and more pertinent passage for all who have ascended and are being received by our own spirits. We are movers of energy and many of us are in forward motion. We have a new awareness and a new set-point....a new beginning. In other words, we either have or are re-birthing ourselves. Our shifts and changes guided us deeply into this new foundation for 2018. We now hold the abundance of that which arises from our hearts in order to be able to determine our next steps in our 2018 journey and we will choose our own pathway. With this type of clarity of heart-vision, there's dedication as we walk and continue to choose on a day-to-day basis...we will be able to step deeper into those parts of ourselves and feel the devotion to our true-selves journey. We will be taken, having transitioned, to a new set-point. We will experience the ability to use our new skill-sets and states of being that we downloaded and acquired through real experience. We will be able to reach the destiny of the melding of our yin-yang energy, our male/female aspects, which,through a mystical series of events, were able to meld these two together, after going through extremely difficult periods of opposition to this union. Both yin and yang have ascension stories into the next realms of our journey. With that said, the experiences that have caused us to be separate, in whatever way we have experienced it, we will be able to meld and ascend into the next realm of the journey. We are now able to allow this new melded energy to move us forward as we walk. For the next part of our journey (having gone through the difficulties and opposition) we have reached a very mystically informed life that is built upon the devotion of our hearts. We either have or will come to the place of activating this part of our being, arising through the fire into the commitment to our destiny. As we move forward, there may be others standing in our way of this melding of yin yang and during this walk into this merging to this new set-point. We have learned how to remove the obstacles by using our ability in non-violent ways. We have come into this place of knowledge. We will be encapsulating that which attempts to thwart our energy. We each have both the male and female energy within and available to us to bring our ability to create big change and supersede obstacles. There's been a profound mystical change. This year, having arrived, we are able to use our own mystical abilities to move forward to what's promised on this new plane of existence. Many are questioning, "what am I to do?" "Why am I here?" "I don't know what to do to move forward." The answer is that we are already doing it. If you have personal goals that you are striving to achieve, of course you want to continue moving in that direction. But always give yourself credit that you are a being in the process of creation through the creation and experience of your own journey. You are enough. As things are unfolding and to help you understand the reality of that which you've been through and have felt in your hearts, it is the soul journey that has been your bridge to removing the obstacles to the soul journey you are meant to have. Humanity has been slumbering but now there's an awakening. The awakening process deepens as your soul arises and goes through the portal of the mystical realm walking to the sacred of all creation. What a beautiful creation you are. ![]() By Lori Lines I took a few days off, about a month or so ago, and dug deep within to focus and listen to my inner Guidance. The messages I've been receiving is it is time to accept our Angelic roles and accept the responsibility for what is happening with these intense energy shifts and how they impact, not only me, but those of you, in the world, who know you have some kind of mission but are not quite sure what that is or maybe you do know. I have had to get still and really look within my heart and soul to pull up clarity and validation on my mission in this life. For those of us who KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who we are and where our spiritual strengths lie, well...many of us are getting really tired. It takes a lot of human strength to stand in our authenticity and to not waver all the while trying to find our flow. It takes so much strength of will to decide, sometimes moment to moment, to hold space for those we love - for those we know are struggling to keep their blinders on and stay asleep to the truth of what's happening in and around us. I suspect most of you have been doing the same as I see most people clearing out old beliefs, old behavior patterns, old belongings, old friends, old lovers, that no longer serve us and our Divinely held missions. We are still in a purging process and that process is going to become more intense for those who've chosen to do nothing about what their hearts are screaming at them to do. The eleventh hour is approaching and time is speeding up. Can you feel it? So, those of you who have been on the spiritual path for awhile and may not even know it, good for you. The changes that are going to occur may not impact you too harshly. To those who have chosen not to adhere to their original soul missions, it's going to be a bumpy ride as the veil is yanked down. What have I received from my time off? I'm stepping into my power more deeply. I am a Divine Being of light and I'm here to create a ripple effect on those lives I touch either physically or energetically. Those of you who know me, know this is true. We are here to believe in ourselves and to not give up our power of love and compassion. It is time to step up our game. Those of you who are on the Soul Mates/Twin Flame journey, whether you are partnered or not, KNOW that you are of a special "species" of the Angelic realm and EACH ONE of you carries unique light codes that will be activated at just the right time in your evolution, very specific to your life mission which will ripple out to help save our planet. Awakenings are happening all over this planet whether it's just one half of the soul mate/twin flame are activated or both. There is no higher unconditional love, on this plane, than the love reflected back at you from your Divinely Inspired partner(s). It is the holy trinity. And you are here to complete a mission with this partner, even if it's only on an energetic level. You know, deep within you, that you are a unique being of light. And, very specifically, all of your experiences up to now, is needed for you to wake up and to remember that we are here to end the way we are programmed and told to live and love in our society. Allow your passion to emanate into the entire world and stop pussy-footing around with karmic relationships that are not serving your highest good, that are not rooted in true love, that are not rooted in pure soul truth. Do not give up on one another. Believe in yourself. When we believe in our own Divine Power, we can call it back at any time. Call the fragments of your soul to be magnetized to your being and ask for the pieces of the puzzle to complete and to make you whole again so you can remember who you are. Then, let those you love know how wonderful and magnificent they are to you. It is time to thrive and to stop striving. Don't push your time back anymore because YOU are an integral part of the whole. There's no more time to waste. It is time for all to recognize life has meaning on a very high level of existence. It is time to accept your Angelic role and the responsibilities that come with this role. ![]() By Lori Lines Message: We are part of a movement to rise above old Karmic patterns. We are realizing we are nomads and wanderers, not meant to sit while society dumbs us down. With this new movement we are called to ask ourselves, "What will make me happy?" We are meant to come upon ourselves and SEE ourselves. If you're in a relationship with someone who is seeing you as subservient or a slave like the system does, you're not going to see your true self. You're not going to be able to elevate into this new existential be-ing that you truly are. Pray. Push forward. Meditate. Find your silence. Unplug. Put your phone down sometimes. Start asking yourself the difficult questions. "What would make me happy?" I guarantee you, without a shadow of a doubt, it's not going to be just money. When I ask myself - let me just lay myself out here for you for a moment - when I ask myself, "What would make me, Lori, happy?" My higher self tells me:
If you dive in to love, dive in as deep as you can. Let love be your guide. Let love pull you through the deepest tides and the darkest skies, because God is Divine Love. Work on these things before you start to tear yourself down by telling yourself you're not adequate or not enough. Meditate. Mantra. Pray. Visualize. Tell this creative love what you REALLY want to be happy. You want to be seen. You want to be held. You want to be touched in your heart, on your body, in your soul - through Divine Love. Let the work begin and move forward. Let your work begin. I wish you love, blessings, and peace. Lori ![]() By Lori Lines Collectively, we are stripping away old layers that no longer serve us anymore and it's happening on a bigger, more expansive level that will shape the year 2017. This year, two big things have been happening simultaneously. We have been having cathartic experiences in addition to shedding away layers to expose new fertile ground. This year has been a culmination. It has been a very tough year of completion - facing, in an intense and bigger way, what does not serve us and our highest good while making space for the new. We are highly encouraged to hold the vision of what we want to create for our individual lives. We have been seeking perfection but our souls are more interested in achieving clarity while looking at these layers that have covered us up for so long. Now we are tilling the soil for 2017. The Divine Masculine (men as well as the masculine energies within women), overall, have been shaking their foundations. Whatever beliefs the masculine have clung to or have been rigid or controlling about are now blowing up. Clinging is about fear. The masculine is learning to walk through the fear with courage as well as learning how to be less controlling while going with the flow of their spirit. The Divine Feminine (women as well as the feminine energies within men) are balancing the yin and the yang of their emotions. These balancing times are not as intense as the masculine mission right now - as the Divine Masculine contracted to go through their spiritual awakening more rapidly while the Divine Feminine signed up to awaken more gradually over a longer period of time. As with everything, this is a constant process, albeit an intense one at the moment. We are encouraged to embrace life as a constant unfolding while staying in the present moment. There will always be layers to peel away from our spirit. We are coming to see more of who we are, individually and collectively, than ever before. We are moving into a higher calling, our soul truth and our higher purpose. And that is love. ![]() By Lori Lines Message from Spirit: Love is irrational and cannot always be mentally understood and we are asked to drop into our hearts and the wisdom of our soul. We all have different wounds that are acted out and activated in our love relationships. Many of you, who are wounded and who live and respond from your wounds, may feel triggered by those you love. Fears may arise from wounds of the past and you may perceive and experience rejection, abandonment, etc. Many may feel it is not safe to be in a love relationship any longer. There is light seeping in from the heavens into you, whether you feel it or not at this time. Believe me when I say, you will begin to feel it soon. It is now safe to give and receive love as we are called to live from our soul rather from our minds, if we allow ourselves to do so. All it takes is intention and then dropping down into our hearts to FEEL. If you are feeling a purity of love for someone else that you just can't deny, it's more than probable that this is usually not one-sided. We are called to accept the journey of the soul connection knowing that PURE LOVE is present. Through your choices and perceptions, you will come to see that never have you been the victim but always the creator. Sometimes we create wounding experiences (consciously and unconsciously) for our deeper self for our soul to learn and grow from experience. Know that, now, we are stepping into a time where we can really create beautiful things and an extraordinary amount of power is available to us to create ultimate fulfillment, if this is your hearts desire. May we uncross our arms of ego and enjoy the love and joy that is now here. I am you, you are me, we are ONE. ![]() By Lori Lines Spirit Channeled Message for today (and the rest of your lives!): Truth is bubbling up in you and, therefore, in the collective consciousness. Some of you are already having insights and sparks of truth enter into your being that make you question how you've been living your lives and how you have been perceiving how others have been living as well. You will be noticing what your beliefs have been and questioning their relevancy. You may suddenly see you have not been living in your truth as you once thought - these revelations will vary from the realization of tiny life changes that need to take hold to very dramatic and big lifestyle overhauls. There is no time to despair about this, just work it out, release it, and move on. This is good. You may even get the overwhelming feeling to move to a completely different location as well. Stay open. This is the spark giving you the opportunity to choose to live your truth and to be completely truthful and authentic in everything you say and do. Otherwise, truth will be revealed in a more painfully destructive way for those holding on to the old and outworn. Truth is revealing itself all over the world as you are waking up. For some of you the revelations will be frightening so we will see people feeling like they are "going crazy" and you may feel this yourself at times. Use this as a springboard for getting spiritual assistance that empowers YOU and does not cause dependency on another. Learn how to trust in your higher self. You are encouraged to work out your issues, deliberately and mindfully and to stop distracting yourselves with egoic or others' agendas being projected upon you as well as through your addictions. We will see many wealthy and well-known people being exposed for heinous acts, that have been hidden, and many will be brought to justice. Our task is to not give this drama any power through our own judgments. Also, we will begin to see truth about organized religions that will shock many. With all this being said, get to know YOUR HIGHER SELF through your own intuition and keep your vibration high as you call in your spiritual army of Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Teachers, Saints, and of course, our Creator. It is time to begin trusting your heart, people. That's the voice of God within. Stand strong in our Unity of Love and do not give in to Separation. There is no more room for hate within or without. I am you, you are me, we are one. - Lori ![]() By Lori Lines Hi Everyone, here's another message for those of you who resonate with it. I feel like I'm speaking to my own soul family, whether I know you or not on this physical plane. Soul family does not always mean blood family, but means those people who resonate with your soul and the energy of what your soul vibrational frequency is emitting. Here goes: Ego creates its own storms. Why? Because the ego feels threatened of drowning and annihilation, it creates duality, discontent, unhappiness, battles within the self. Remember, the battles that you are perceiving outside yourself, with other people and situations, were born from your own internal battles. This is what we have created. Can you yet see how you have manifested your own reality? The pain, that is within, is a reaction to what's going on without and what is going on without is a reaction to our pain within. This looping is what is creating our Karma. Aren't you tired yet? Aren't you ready to open the door of that car of Karma and jump off the train that keeps looping over and over through the same terrain over lifetimes? Our souls are so exhausted. Let us change. How? The more you focus within, the more self-loving you are. The more self-loving you are, the less you need to battle with others. You are encouraged to put your dueling swords away and embrace your heart. Many of you who make a sincere effort to embrace your heart and move into self-love and self-worth, you may find that the ego will try to drown you because it is afraid of drowning. Let go of the ego and let it drown. I promise you, that you will not go down with it. The ego is not you. This is the illusion. We have been socialized to believe that "evil" is "out there." And all the while we've bought into this belief and deception - it has turned our attention outside ourselves as darkness and "evil" has slowly sneaked in and entered us. I won't even go into all the distractions that are available that has kept us believing we are powerless. It is the ego that is that darkness. Stay above ego and let it go. All these battles are an illusion and the only way to true peace, love, abundance, and happiness is to notice the battles going on inside your head and know they are not real. Let them go. Many of you are doing this work and I'm here to say strong foundations of love, happiness, and abundance in all areas of your life are available and are building as you relinquish the internal battles of separation, judgment, fear. These energies are available to you NOW and, once you have let the ego go, you will know these energies have been available all along. I see many of you will wonder what took you so long! You will no longer engage in the storms of darkness and duality within you and without. You are stepping out into the sunshine, into the light. You are going to be so happy, so full, as you are aligning with your truth. Negative energies of blame, self-doubt, fear of success, fear of failure, fears in general, will begin to fall away. And you will move forward, fully empowered to be YOU. When you step into this power, everything outside of you will change. It will look different. You will have loved that darkness and let it go. So, be patient with yourselves as you are transforming. As you transform, so will those around you, because you will be operating in your highest good. When you are standing in the energy of your highest good, so will those around you! This is our connection. This is Unity Consciousness. Again, be patient with yourselves. FEEL the emotions seeping from your body, don't hold them back. You are clearing so much negative Karma that you wouldn't believe. Know that soon thereafter, the negative emotions that HAVE TO COME OUT, will dissipate and they will be transformed into love, freedom, happiness, and abundance on all levels of your existence. And, you will authentically smile again because your heartfelt wishes and dreams will have come true. As I heal myself, so shall you be healed. I wish you love, blessings, and peace. |
Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories