By Lori Lines
Human interactions are curious. It's one aspect that I find fascinating, and it's why I began as an armchair observer of human behavior ever since I was a child and how those behaviors drive relationship dynamics. Clashes of perspectives are inevitable. When someone reveals an aspect of their true self that doesn't align with our beliefs or values, the knee-jerk reaction might be to demonize them. However, delving deeper into this instinctive response unveils a more profound opportunity for self-reflection. Rather than hastily vilify others, we can use this moment to question what they might be mirroring within ourselves. Understanding Different Wavelengths of Consciousness It is imperative to recognize that individuals operate on diverse wavelengths of consciousness. Each person is on their unique journey of self-discovery, influenced by their experiences, beliefs, and values. It is crucial not to hastily judge or demonize someone simply because their truth doesn't resonate with our own. Instead, I suggest conserving energy and acknowledging the differences, fostering an understanding that others are on a different wavelength. Relying on Direct Experiences To prevent demonizing individuals, it is advisable to rely on our direct experiences rather than hearsay. What others say is often influenced by their experiences and perspectives, which may not necessarily align with ours. By relying on our own firsthand experiences, we can develop a more authentic understanding of a person's actions and intentions within our interactions with them. Observation Mode and Neutrality The mindfulness approach advocates detaching oneself and entering observation mode when faced with conflicting perspectives. This detachment allows for a more objective assessment of the situation without negative judgment or immediate condemnation. By remaining neutral, one can gain insight into the motivations and perspectives of others without being clouded by preconceived notions. Loving from a Distance Those who consider themselves evolved souls can adopt the idea of loving others from a distance. This concept suggests that even when faced with conflicting ideologies, one can cultivate compassion and understanding without becoming entangled in negativity. This approach preserves one's emotional well-being and fosters an environment where personal growth can flourish. The Disempowering Nature of Villainization Finally, let's underscore the disempowering consequences of villainizing others. We relinquish control over our emotions and reactions when we paint someone as the villain in our narrative. By recognizing the opportunity for self-reflection instead of demonization, we empower ourselves to grow and evolve beyond knee-jerk judgments. And, when we do this, we are refraining from spreading negativity or adding to another's negativity. Final Thoughts... In a world of diverse perspectives, the knee-jerk reaction to demonize others can hinder personal growth and understanding. I'm suggesting that rather than succumbing to this instinct, one can use such moments as an opportunity for self-reflection. By acknowledging different wavelengths of consciousness, relying on direct experiences, adopting observation mode and neutrality, and even loving from a distance, we can break free from the disempowering cycle of demonization and cultivate a more compassionate and enlightened approach to interpersonal relationships. After all, wouldn't you want to be treated the same way? In love and truth, Lori Lines
By Lori Lines
Maintaining a healthy balance between personal well-being and external influences can be challenging today. The concept of energetic boundaries offers a powerful tool to navigate this complexity, enabling us to safeguard our emotional, mental, and physical health. Why Create Energetic Boundaries? Protecting Your Energy: Energetic boundaries act as a shield, protecting your energy from external influences. Just as we set physical boundaries to guard our personal space, creating energetic boundaries helps filter out negative energies, emotions, and stressors that can otherwise impact our mental and emotional state. Preserving Emotional Well-being: Emotions are like viruses that can quickly spread from person to person. Setting boundaries is vital to prevent other people's emotions from taking over your own. This is particularly important in situations where stress, anxiety, or negativity are commonplace. By creating a barrier between themselves and the energy surrounding them, people can maintain control over their emotional state. Enhancing Mental Clarity: A cluttered mind can impede decision-making and overall mental clarity. Energetic boundaries help filter unnecessary noise and distractions, allowing for better focus and concentration. In turn, this promotes a mental state that is both positive and productive. Building Healthy Relationships: Establishing boundaries is crucial for healthy relationships as it creates a framework of mutual respect and understanding. This framework ensures that relationships are built on authenticity and shared values and are free from external influences. Practical Ways to Create Energetic Boundaries: Mindfulness and Self-awareness: Begin by cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness. Regularly check in with your emotions and energy levels. Understand what influences your mood and be conscious of the people, environments, or activities that drain or uplift your energy. Visualization Techniques: Engage in visualization exercises to create a protective energy shield around yourself. Imagine a bubble of light or a force field surrounding you, repelling negative energy while allowing positive energy to flow freely. Regularly reinforce this visualization to strengthen your energetic boundaries. Set Clear Intentions: Clearly articulate your intentions for maintaining energetic boundaries. Whether protecting your energy during a challenging meeting or establishing limits with a particular person, set clear intentions to guide your energy in the desired direction. Practice Saying No: Learn to say no when necessary. Setting boundaries involves asserting yourself and recognizing your limits. Politely but firmly decline activities or engagements you know will compromise your well-being. Create Physical Boundaries: It's important to use physical symbols to reinforce your energetic boundaries, such as wearing jewelry with personal significance, carrying a specific item, or having a designated space as your energetic sanctuary. Energy-Clearing Practices: Engage in activities promoting energy clearings, such as meditation, yoga, or leisure time in nature. These practices help release accumulated stress and negative energy, making establishing and maintaining healthy, energetic boundaries easier. Final Thoughts... Creating energetic boundaries is an empowering journey toward self-care and well-being. By prioritizing your mental, emotional, and physical wellness, you can enhance your quality of life and positively impact your relationships and environments. Implementing these practical strategies can guide you in establishing and maintaining solid and energetic boundaries, allowing you to navigate life with greater resilience and authenticity. In love and truth, Lori Lines ![]() By Lori Lines When placing blame on another, ask yourself how this is a reflection of you. How are you, deep down, judging yourself? Within any relationship, energy vampires judge and blame others to keep us off balance (pushing the buttons of the belief we are unworthy) in order to impose their will and control. The ego likes to blame and project onto others. If your self-esteem has become low because of the judging and blaming of another, you are with an energy vampire who is trying to control you. The energy vampire distracts themselves by focusing on you and wanting YOU to change, because they are not aware of how they need to change by providing love and stability for themselves. So, someone who is being critical and judgmental is just projecting the fact that they are internally being self judgmental and critical. Take nothing personally by recognizing the deeper deception they are doing within themselves. Before you can heal others, you have to heal yourself. This is a situation that cannot be healed unless you heal yourself. Peace, Lori ![]() By Lori LInes Did you know that if you are in relationship with a sensitive (empathic) person and you are not aligned with your true self, being connected with the empath is very draining and hurtful to them? Why? If you're not in alignment with self-awareness, your emotional body is in pain due to a deep-seated lack of self-worth. So, you draw your feelings of self-worth from the positive energy the empath emits, feeding off and draining the energy from the empath. If the empath is unaware of this imbalance of energy exchange, they can become very ill. This is an underlying form of co-dependency, therefore, it's important to become aware of what you carry in your pain body. Just like alcohol, drugs, food, sex, etc., it is an addiction, albeit covert, to another person for your own gain. Address your codependency to become more self-contained, contain your energy by focusing on the self, and you will find more lasting and fulfilling relationships. Peace, Lori ![]() By Lori Lines Life is full of ups and downs and it’s important to be aware that there are different kinds of people among us. I tend to subscribe to the belief that most people are good but life has handed them challenges designed to recognize, acknowledge, take responsibility for, heal and let go of their beliefs and behaviors rooted in fear. The problems arise when we meet up with an energy vampire. Usually these people, in one way or another, are not taking responsibility for their own energy and they appear to think that the whole world is revolving around them and, at this time, they only care about themselves. They don’t care about other’s emotions because they seem to be self-involved and these are the kind of people that I refer to as energy vampires. They might be your friends, family members, colleagues. In our society, especially if you are a highly sensitive person, it is difficult to keep your own energy and vitality up and it is important to prepare yourself for these vampires in order to move forward - otherwise you can make your life more difficult. In looking back on my own experiences, I can see how the Universe has brought energy vampires into my life and I can see how they have been tests for me to see how committed I am to my own self-worth, the work I’m called to do in this lifetime, my own self-love and self-respect. These people have been challenging for sure, but, in the end it seems that I have either transcended the challenges with or without those people in my life. In this article I am going to explain how you can generally protect yourself from the energy vampires I spoke about in my first article, “How to Recognize the Energy Vampire in Yourself and Others.”
![]() By Lori Lines As the collective becomes more sensitive to the energies around them, we become more susceptible to Energy Vampires. What is an Energy Vampire? An energy vampire refers to a person or soul who boosts his/her own energy by taking energy, vitality, or life-force from another by means of an argument, belittlement, criticism, one-sided conversation, or just by being in proximity to another. It refers to another who’s influence leaves a person feeling exhausted, "fuzzy," unfocused and depressed. Most energy vampires are normal, well-meaning people who’s unconscious target is your spiritual body and not necessarily your physical body (although, one can be a psychic parasite when engaged in sex with another.) And, they do this in order to help “recharge” their own system. Most of the time, energy vampires are unhappy, within themselves, and they do their damage through telepathic draining of another’s energy resources. Depending on how empathic the “victim” is, just separating from the energy vampire for a bit is enough to result in immediate positive changes in the victim's life force energy. If you remain very aware, you can feel and observe this process at work especially when you go to a public gathering. The more people you encounter at these gatherings, the more you will feel and observe energy parasites in action. It can happen a conference, a family gathering during holidays, a local movie theater, the local shopping mall.... You can also experience Energy Vampirism just being with a friend, one-on-one. Through my experience and research, I have found that everyone can be and has been an energy vampire - especially at times where crisis or dark times prevailed. I have found there are 6 categories of energy vampires. The Energetic Entity Vampire These are those “unseen” paranormal types of, what I call, “energy suckers.” They may have passed over into the non-physical realm and their last experience was that of terror. They can be ghosts or dark energies that jump from person to person and suck the life force energy from them. They are attracted to the light within the person and endeavor to revitalize their existence through leaching off of those who are more positive types of personalities. Spiritual/Ethereal People (Who are Not Grounded) Vampires I see this all the time in our spiritual community. Most often these troubled souls have been tortured to death in previous lives for their spiritual beliefs or practices. Their only escape was to leave the body, so out-of-body experiences are the norm with them today. These individuals do not want much contact with others because they do not trust. They were afraid to incarnate in their present body, and show this fear by being unwilling to commit their consciousness completely into their physical body. Leaving their physical body often, throughout the day, is the most common method that ethereal types use to deal with problems. They have weak boundaries and spend as much time as possible in the spiritual realms because this is where they feel safe. Since all time is simultaneous on other planes, these people find it difficult to relate to linear time. The result of these inclinations is both withdrawal and aggression. They become aggressive and angry when forced to function on the earth plane. Their psychic attack is rarely premeditated, but it’s important to be aware of them nonetheless. The Insecure Vampires These types have deep fears of abandonment. Perhaps in previous lives, they found themselves without enough nurturing from family or perhaps they didn’t have enough food, shelter, comfort, or love. These fears and beliefs carry over into this lifetime and create their experiences and fear it will happen again and again. Insecure people feel they are always giving to others and therefore, feel their energy is being sucked dry by those people. So, they seek others to fill their time and to suck energy from them in order to compensate for their lack of energy. They are also very compulsive people who are susceptible to addictions of all kinds. These people unconsciously recreate life situations proving they are not worthy of attention, ensuring their energy needs and their nurturing requirements will never be satisfied. To solve this dilemma, they continue seeking out those they can drain and it becomes a vicious cycle. Many times an insecure type will come across as helpless or constantly asking questions insisting you give them all the answers giving a nurturing type person the feeling they have to take care of their every need. Insecure people live in constant fear of rejection and abandonment. So, they recreate this when the nurturing person, in their lives, needs a break from them. When the nurturer needs a break and takes steps to care for themselves, the insecure person becomes overtly angry and critical of them and sometimes, their actions can become abusive. In a nutshell, they pull others down to their level of self-esteem. The Passive-aggressive Vampires This type of energy vampire is fearful of invasion, being overtaken, and being controlled. Perhaps in previous lifetimes they were unable to express themselves freely. They desire freedom but their fear keeps their consciousness from claiming it. They harbor anger and resentment because of this and they lack any solutions to this problem. Passive-aggressive types lack autonomy. They strive to pull other people into their lives and have them very involved. Authentic and creative self-expression is unknown to them. They create a world, within themselves, that is unclear and undefined and fear is at the core to rooting themselves in any substantial stance. They imprison themselves by projecting desperation, loneliness and resentment toward others with whom they come in contact. They have trouble expressing anger in any productive and direct communicative way. The way in which they suck energy is when they constantly ask for advice and find every reason in the world to reject whatever is offered to them. They continuously engage the other in their lives, asking for help and advice, and while doing so, they reject any real solutions. The Zombie-like Vampires I also see this in the spiritual community a lot. These are people who inauthentically hold themselves above everything and everyone without doing the conscious work it takes to root themselves in reality. They have usually read a lot of books and they put a lot of emphasis on “certifications” and formal education. They adopt the experiences of others, identify themselves with those who occupy a certain status while they deny their true selves. Perhaps in other lives as well as in this life, they’ve had to keep up appearances of perfection in order to survive. Many times you can see these types in charge of running the show. They project that their outer world is perfect yet their inner world is completely denied. Their focus is on the outer rather than the inner. Because of this they have no core essence. They live in fear that the world will pass them by and they feel they are missing something. They work hard at becoming more perfect because their world is meaningless if others do not envy their lifestyles. People go to them with their problems and they rarely obtain much satisfaction from their own lives. They appear to be on auto-pilot and there’s often an air of arrogance to them as they remain aloof, removed from real and compassionate conversation. Often, they suck energy from those who are looking for validation, engagement, and love by never quite being able to provide the satisfying attention and compassion to the other person. The Overly Suspicious Vampire These vampires are most afraid of betrayal. Through their experiences in past lives and in their current one, they may have learned there are enemies in their world who desire to take from them or to hurt them in some way. A lot of times you’ll see military-types who are trying to win a war that does not exist against an enemy that is long gone. They trust no one and life is their battleground. Fear is ingrained in them and it is projected into every part of their lives. They can be perceived as bullies who stomp on the weak in order to elevate their egos. Many times they are especially fearful of the opposite sex. Aggression is the most common response from this type. They pick arguments and yet they are very seductive. They rarely have long-term relationships. This person expects to be betrayed and therefore will insist on setting up others for this betrayal. They may initiate a betrayal as a preemptory strike. To them, the act of losing is to admit they are bad. To lose is intolerable so they must win at any cost. They are usually judgmental, very hard workers, strong in physique, and obsessive-compulsive. The overly suspicious vampire will insist you agree with their often-distorted view of the world and they usually want you to argue with them. This way, they can win at the argument to prove they are good and you are bad...creating an energetic separation that keeps them from true intimacy. This is how they become energy vampires. Stay tuned for Energy Vampires (Article 2) ![]() By Lori Lines Manipulation and movement of different types of negative (or dark) energies and spirits that affect someone’s energetic and physical body are called Psychic Manipulations. Some people call it Psychic Attacks. I tend to think the word “attack” is too strong as I choose not to give this manipulation too much power. However, psychic manipulation is a supernatural energy and force. They occur when negative energetic vibrations are sent from one person to another person or place creating a disturbance in the energetic and physical body of the person or place. These occurrences can create harmful effects within the person receiving them and these manipulations are happening more often than ever before because as the veil of spiritual understanding is thinning and, as a result, collectively, we are becoming more empathic, telepathic, and psychically aware. Sometimes these energetic and physical disturbances are sent without conscious awareness of the person sending them. Others use psychic manipulation intentionally to create harm, often to control, manipulate, or punish the individual. The good news is that it’s extremely difficult for anyone to penetrate an aura that is healthy and strong. An aura is our energetic body that emanates from our physical body that can be weakened by depression, by negative emotions, by the regular use of drugs or alcohol, by smoking, and by a variety of diseases. Fungus, parasites, worms, metal, chemical or atomic poisons can seriously weaken our energetic body. Therefore, it is imperative that we take care to protect our energetic body as much as our physical body in order to repel psychic manipulations by staying strong and healthy. Protecting against Psychic Manipulations and Attacks In another blog post, I talked about Spiritual Cleansing by using the spiritual bath technique (which is my favorite). I do not want to be redundant but Spiritual Cleansing is a great way to cleanse your aura after a psychic attack or manipulation. There are other ways of Spiritual Cleansing that I will speak about in future blog posts, but right now, having the knowledge and using the spiritual bath is sufficient. So, what can you do to protect yourself, overall, from these attacks and manipulations? Ground yourself “Grounding” is a term used by many psychics, metaphysicians, energy healers, and others of like mind that means staying in your body and rooted with the earth with conviction. Some ways to do this are to listen to an MP3 or CD that helps direct your energy for grounding. Other ways are getting out in nature and turning your attention to being fully present in the moment or using gem stones such as Hematite or Amber. If you like the feel of the gemstones, hold any of these in your right hand or place in a right hand pocket for good protection. Another way is to sit comfortably with both feet planted on the floor, and if possible, on the earth directly. Imagine a thin cord running from the center of your body or from each ankle down to the center of the earth. Hold this visual until you feel deeply connected to the earth. This is an important beginning to many types of work with other dimensions. You want to connect with the highest energies in other dimensions while staying firmly planted and deeply connected to Mother Earth. Spiritual Intent You can use this method to protect yourself, friends, pets, and your home. It is imperative as a first step that you call in special protection for yourself. To protect yourself or someone else with intent, sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Ensure your intention is coming from a place of love for all energies, including the negative psychic energies. Once fully relaxed, connect with the energies of other dimensions and ask for protection from the Universe or Angels so that negative energies cannot find you or others. Establish a cone of white light coming down from the heavens so that the negative energies, entities, spirits can follow this white light up into the Universe. Then ask the Universe or Angels to remove all negative energies, entities, or spirits using the name of the person being protected and ask the Angels of the Universe to move the darkness up into the light so they cannot harm anyone or anything else on this earth. Hold this thought and light for several minutes. You will need to hold this intention and deep concentration for some time for this protection to work. Afterwards, thank the Universe and the Angels for the help and close down the light. Prayer and Connecting with Beings of Light People jump into fear when they believe they have been psychically manipulated. Fear is a great problem associated with these manipulations since fear tends to magnify the experience of the individual. With that said, prayer is very powerful and can help a great deal when psychically manipulated. Prayer for strength and courage helps alleviate the fear and then you will be better able to focus on applying a number of the protection suggestions. Positive, affirmative prayer in love strengthens us to address our issues. There are special convents, monasteries, and prayer lines (such as Silent Unity) with people who do nothing but pray each day, all day long. Call one of these and ask them to pray for you or those you are helping, as a special intention. Prayer always needs to be an integral part of the healing process. Also, Angels and Beings of Light are always there to help guide you. They are there and just need to be asked. Releasing Fear Prayer and meditation is the first, most powerful support for releasing fear associated with psychic manipulations and attacks. It is much easier to clear and protect yourself when the fear is diminished. This, in itself, will help to raise your auric vibration and make it stronger. After Cleansing and Protecting, Rebalance your Aura and Chakras You will need to ask an Energy Healer to do this for you because if you have been under psychic attack or manipulation, your chakras will be distorted by these darker energies and they will no longer be working properly. There will also be holes in your aura. Ask the Energy Healer to bring your chakras back to perfect working order, to be sure they are spinning properly at the perfect speed and to close the holes in your aura. Ask the Energy Healer to remove all hooks, attachments, markings, and any negative energy rays that might have become attached to you. Lastly, ask the Energy Healer to seal your aura, to eliminate all holes, and to be certain your aura is not leaking any energy. You may be asked to return to your energy healer to check for leakages afterwards. © Lori Lines. All rights reserved. 2012-2013 |
Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories