By Lori Lines In the age of keeping things that only "spark joy," organizational specialists, and decluttering hacks, most of us have embraced the concept of out with the old, in with the new. Spring is a time when we tend to give the most attention to letting go and making way for the new items and projects that interest and delight us. If only as much attention was devoted to emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic clutter! With each day that goes by, even the most "spiritually hygienic" among us take on baggage. The criticism of a co-worker, breakups and makeups, and outdated perceptions can all weigh heavily. This is without taking into account what we have stowed in the attic; trauma, parental conflict, negative concepts of self, toxic relational patterns… Without being acknowledged, accepted, and released, these emotions, thoughts, memories, world views, and maladaptive coping strategies begin to take up space. Remember, everything is energy, so these things all possess a vibration. When unresolved, these vibrations are often burdensome, cumbersome, and cloudy. They take up spiritual space! Leaving little to no room for the positive things you want to attract and manifest. When you are unable to attract and manifest what you desire, you can develop a negative view of self. What am I doing wrong? Why am I not enough? Am I being punished? Why me? Why do good things always happen for everyone else? The truth is, when you don't get what you desire, it doesn't necessarily speak to some sort of karmic punishment or a lack of merit. It is a symptom of spiritual dis-ease, a chronic state of perceived powerlessness. When we are disempowered through our life experiences, trauma, negative perceptions, and stagnant energy, our decision-making ability is damaged. We forget our divinely ordained power to choose, manifest, and attract our wants and needs and how to open ourselves to the abundance of the universe. When you are unreceptive to universal blessings, it is often because you are resistant to the truth. What is the truth? That you are part of an infinite and divine universal system that is ultimately loving, compassionate, and abundant. This system is not based on merit. It is based on unconditional love and unwavering trust. While trust in the plentiful nature of the divine is important, it is not paramount. The most essential form of trust is in yourself and your ability to manifest and draw the blessings you need. Keep in mind, what we want is not always what we need. You may want a new job but need to learn how to stand up for yourself at your current one and stay for that long-awaited promotion. You may want a romantic partner but need some time alone for shadow work before you meet "the one". Even after heartache, find strength that you will always draw those with both the wounds and wisdom you need to heal. The universe has divine wisdom. It knows not only what you need but what your heart, absent of fear and ego, truly desires. We must awaken to the awareness that as spiritual beings with a higher purpose, we are not only cared for but empowered. This empowerment is rooted in the trust that we can have what we truly want and need by doing what we truly want and need to do. You are not a vulnerable soul waiting on the divinity of the universe to land on your doorstep. You are a bold and courageous spirit who asks for what you want and aligns yourself with the energy and actions you need to receive it! Some of the things you must release in order to gain are resistant, untrusting, fearful, lacking mindsets. They slam the door squarely in the face of the blessings that await you and leads to a life of perpetual helplessness. Trust that it is already yours because you have the strength, tenacity, and wisdom to remove all blockages between you and the life of your choosing. That is the gift of free will and divine order. Are you able to let go? To invite new blessings and abundant energy into your life, you have to do the decluttering and Spring cleaning! You need to ask yourself what thoughts, behaviors, perspectives, and relationships are misaligned with your desires, hopes, and intentions. What mindset, actions, and people no longer serve your greatest good or support your spiritual growth? Lighten your load! Let them all go and make room in your life, heart, and soul for the blessings and abundance you long for. It's natural when we engage in release work to encounter blockages. By surrendering to the process, you will find greater ease and peace. Acknowledge the areas in which you struggle to let go. Surrender to the grieving process. When we release that which no longer serves us, we must also grieve what we thought it would amount to, who we thought it would help us be, and what it was supposed to accomplish. The greatest pain comes not from what these behaviors, beliefs, and relationships were. It is derived from what they never became. Find comfort that when you need to let go, it is because these things just aren't working. There is something and someone better waiting for you. These unserving energies are standing in the doorway of opportunity, growth, and victory. It may hurt to let go, but it hurts more to hold on. There is no need to force a shallow release. Through surrender, trust, and divine timing, any obstacles to your intended abundance and blessing will fall away as long as you are willing, allowing you to rise well beyond your current circumstance and reach for all that you long to realize and receive. Have faith that it is through release and letting go that you will be made whole again! In love and truth, Lori Lines
by Lori Lines Have you been feeling it? Most of us who work in the light are usually subject to the projections and negative energies stemming from the wounds of others. It's happening all over the world as our shadow-selves float up to the top to be acknowledged, expressed, taken personal responsibility for and dealt with appropriately. This morning, I felt the need to write this to you as a quick remedy for how to clear and protect yourselves from taking on the negative, blaming, projecting energies of others that seem to come out of nowhere as you are minding your own business. With that said, I'd like to share with you a clearing/cleansing remedy that I use often so as not to take on the unhealed versions of people around me. Many of you have your own little rituals that I'm sure work great. This is for those looking for a way to mitigate, clear, and cleanse their own environment of negativity. Here goes: Ingredients: 1 Sage or Palo Santo Smudge Stick Kosher Salt Silver Bell Feather White Vinegar Ritual: Start by opening all windows and doors in your home to allow fresh air in, and to get the stale air out. Now, wash down your walls with a mixture of white vinegar and spring water. When you are finished, light sage or Palo Santo smudge sticks and, using the feather, waft the incense smoke throughout your home; moving in a clockwise motion through your residence. Use the bell to do the same, ringing it while you move throughout your home. All the while, visualizing your actions ridding your home of negative and/or parasitic energies. Finally, sprinkle the salt around your home and then sweep it and the last of the negativity out of your home. You also should smudge yourself with the Sage or Palo Santo while visualizing yourself being rid of all negative energy. Then, take the Kosher Salt and pour a small thin line at the outside entrance of your door, all the while visualizing a barrier to all that is not of the highest good for you and your family to enter. If you are prayerful, go ahead and cite your favorite protection prayers. It wouldn't hurt for you to do a spiritual cleansing bath at least weekly, too, to ward off any depression or heaviness from the projections of the collective. You can find this on my blog, which I will add a link at the bottom of this page. I hope you find this helpful. Blame is the really big game right now so take nothing personally, it's what the dark wants you to do. In love and truth, Lori Lines Here's the link for spiritual bath: get-the-muck-off-you-and-take-a-bath.html By Lori Lines I hear many questions from you along these lines, "if I allow myself to feel all the negative feelings from my past (lives) that have hurt me or made me feel stuck, won't I be lowering my vibration?" Here's my take on it. Many of you hear, from the law of attraction community, messages to stay positive and keep your thoughts high! I think this talk creates the fear of doing things wrong when we are feeling sub-par. It creates the worry that if you ever have a negative thought that what you want won't materialize or be actualized. I think this is B.S. Nothing will keep you stuck longer than the act of worry caused by fear! We are obviously striving to raise our vibrational frequencies so that we can be naturally more joyous, happy, and in love. It is unrealistic to think you can keep your thoughts high ALL THE TIME. We are here on Earth to experience her polarities: light/dark, love/fear, left/right, above/below, hard/soft, etc. so that we can appreciate and express gratitude for the love, the light, the joy, the happiness, those days when everything seems to flow in our favor. We are here to learn how to merge these polarities. Do not allow yourself to deny those parts of yourself. As an empath, it's painful to watch someone smile when they are hurting, to hear someone say they are doing great when you know they are struggling inside. To watch someone act in martyrdom. This is not authentic. We would not be given the ability to cry if we weren't meant to do that. We have not been given a voice if we weren't meant to communicate our soul truth at any given time. Giving yourself permission to express your pain ultimately removes the debris you've held on to and once it clears, you will be given clarity in your life like never before! It brings you back in to balance. It helps you to open your heart and to create from that positive space. When I have given myself permission to FEEL, to release and purge, I've found levels of forgiveness, of myself and others who have hurt me, in ways I never thought I could. The result? True compassion for myself and others, a lightness, a spring-in-my-step. Going deeper, once that level of compassion is realized, you can find the compassion for others and yourself when your perceptual filters begin to fall away and you realize how you have hurt them. This expanded perception allows you to see and to feel and to cry for the others you have wounded, perhaps without even knowing you had wounded them in the past. This gives you the opportunity for complete and ultimate forgiveness, thus, you have merged the polarities and you have risen to a higher vibrational frequency. You UNDERSTAND. Still walking with you as we see the light on the other side emerging. Peace out, Lori <3 By Lori Lines Many of you are brave enough to purge old wounds that have been embedded in your being for eons - those wounds and negative emotions that have weighed you down, keeping you stuck with little to no realization of what your heart truly desires. For most of you, it's been a really rough few months with these energy shifts that have felt so compressed. So, the purging most of you have been doing has been increasingly intense with revelations about past life occurrences, revelations about the now, and there's been a lot of triggering on a subconscious level. It's almost as if we've had soul fragmentations of emotions and thoughts that have been scattered about, which are coming up to acknowledge, process, purge and to clear through transmutation. This process is making itself known in order for us to reach a sense of wholeness, in general. Purging is not easy. Many of you have been bringing up what has been embedded, hidden and repressed within your being for eons. For those of you who do intentional clearing, are the bravest in my opinion. The emotions and memories that have been coming up has been even more intense for most of you. Not only are you going through the current planetary alignment energy shifts, but you are also going through the intentional releasing. This makes it all the more challenging. As this third and final wave of the Dark Night of the Soul enshrouds us, there are a lot of you who are newly awakening who are very raw and tender. When we are raw and tender, we seem to get stuck in the pain of our minds looping though the wrong questions of "why?" This is the victimhood I liken to pouring salt into the wound, without relief. On the other hand, some will divert their attention from the rawness by acquiescing to their addictions of distractions, which prolong the pain anyway. It is an important time in our evolution. It is an important time to purge. Purging manifests when emotions bubble up as fear, insecurity, hate, anger, crying, etc. But these emotions are bubbling up for a reason - to be released. I am shown that we do, by the grace of the Divine, have support. It is important that we seek and ask for Divine Intervention and Divine Guidance. Do not underestimate your petitions to the Divine because when you ask for it, with good intentions, you WILL BE ANSWERED. It does not matter what the experience is or what you ask is. You will be answered. These last few months have been very intense where it's gotten down to the real, causal stuff. It's not been about the, more superficial, ego purging and taking stock in our tearful temper tantrums for not having things our way. It's been soul wrenching, deeply rooted and embedded emotions surrounding wounds from our past lives and the wounds of our current lifetime coming up to release, once and for all. When you find this happening, seek the Divine. Ask the Divine for what needs to be cleared to be shown to you - to bring the experiences to you to help you learn - so that you can get to the other side, more quickly. Ask to be allowed to clear the heavier things that are embedded in your psyche and spirit, now, so that you can get it done and move forward. Ask if there's anything or anyone in your life who is obstructing the clear view of your life mission, in the alignment of who you are, to be removed. Ask for the right people and the right influences to come into your life to help you realize your true self, your true happiness, your true love, your true abundance, your true joy. Keep in mind that we get what we wish for, so be prepared. Keep in mind that if you ask to be shown the obstacles to your true calling, to reach your full potential, you must be prepared to embrace and to accept what you are shown. It is also important to be prepared to hold space and spend time alone to do any heavy purging so as to not contaminate another (who, by the way, is doing their own purging). I see a lot of people who complain about not getting what they want fast enough. And, when the purging comes, they don't really embrace and allow it to happen. Because it's painful and not fun. The only way is through this. We all incarnated into this lifetime to cleanse and purge in order to find our true selves, our true love, our happiness, our joy, our abundance. Trust that all the emotions that come up are there for acknowledging and purging and keep in mind that it is your human nature to want what your heart desires. So, realize and understand it is part of life to do this work to be energetically and emotionally healthy and get to the other side. If you find yourself going through this process, and if you live in the Austin area, contact me through this website,, for an in-person session. If you do not live in the area, you can find me over at for email, chat, and phone sessions. Wishing you peace, love and blessings - I'll see you on the other side. Lori By Lori Lines I've been contemplating the importance of release in our every day lives. One thing that's very difficult for a Pisces person, such as myself, is the act of releasing because of the soul-merging that unconsciously happens with those of whom I interact. In retrospect, I can see now how this has been a common lesson and a theme throughout my life and I suspect many of yours, too. And I, over the past month or so, have been communicating with my guidance on the subject of release because I've found it to be a very important aspect of our lives that need attention on a regular basis. How many of us continuously go over and over in our minds the same loop in thought? How many of us analyze everything, that someone has said or done, to death? How many of us lament, to others, over and over again, something that's happened in the past? This is what I call a state of mindlessness and this keeps us distracted from who we are and the messages and information the Universe is constantly providing us. What I've come to realize, on this subject, is that recognizing when it's the best time to release is very important to the realization of our own potential. Just as the truth of all life conveys, that everything has a birth, a decay, and then a transition to death, so too do our relationships to people and situations in our lives. It has come to my attention, in my own life, that everything is impermanent. That the only thing that is constant, is change. That does not mean that people can't stay in our lives for the rest of our lives or that you can't stay at your job until you decide to retire. But everything is shifting, all the time because our perceptions shift and change. I'm talking about those times when the energy shifts. Those times when, all of a sudden, the haze dissipates and you now see a new truth about a person or a situation, or, more importantly, yourself. The act of release can come in all forms and sizes. It can be the release of the little snarky remark from the cashier at the checkout counter. It can be a fear that has welled up within ourself. It can be something as serious as releasing your spouse or partner for good. It comes from a knowing that you can no longer stay in your own authenticity because you can no longer relate with a person or a group or a situation you've been involved in. Or, even the most final of release, the release of someone who has died. Releasing has many layers. I have found that the more self-aware I have become on my spiritual journey, the more I release and the more self-aware I become. It keeps circulating around, but each time we release, we are better. And the more aware we become, the more we can detach to that which is weighs us down, that which keeps us in a state of imbalance within ourselves, that which keeps us from a happy state of be-ing. So, in the spirit of spring cleaning, I encourage you to take a good look at yourself and your life. What is it that's weighing you down from realizing your potential? Is it a behavior? Is it a pattern of limited thinking? Is it your relationship to yourself? To a person? To a group of people? Or is it something tangible you are living with like an old piece of art that no longer reflects who you are today? Is it where you live? Is it your home or car? Whatever it is, let us not be afraid to LET IT GO. It is in the FEELING of discontent that the Universe is giving us the message of choice. Remember, choice is a gift and though many of us may not see our choices in front of us, they are there, just waiting for that haze to dissipate so we can see and feel more clearly and move forward again. In my experience, every time I have released, it created the space for new blessings and rewards to enter into my life. It will yours, too. Just be patient. And, of course, I'm here to help with your journey to release and happiness. So, call me if you need. Wishing you blessings, peace, and love during your spring cleaning. Channeled by Lori Lines "Humanity will see a rise in intensity of darkness through the emotionally challenged because that's the identified portal that is the weakest link in humanity. "Mental illness" which is contrived from your belief system has, in itself, been massaged by the light forces to create a level of openness and compassion, by opening its doors and breaking down stigmas. The stigmas have been broken down, to a point, and this awareness has become mainstream. The initial intention behind this has been to help relinquish its power by bringing it out from its closet and shining the light on it. Many of you have identified and healed this belief system. Remember, as we accept, love, and surrender to what is, it loses its power over us. The masses are now more compassionate to this issue. However, this shift and uprising of the light has compelled darker forces to meet this new intensity. "There will be a wave of dark forces using humanity's compassion as a weakened state. It will come through those, who possess emotional challenges, who have not strengthened their resolve through spiritual means. Those of you who understand compassion as it is will understand that you can still be compassionate and loving while holding your physical and energetic boundaries. Compassion through love is the most powerful force of all. Those who have refused to see their own darkness, who call themselves light workers, will not be able to identify what we are talking about here because it is in the recognition of one's own light and one's own darkness that true compassion can occur. We cannot acknowledge what we do not see. Light and Soul Workers, please continue your mindful practice and continue peeling back the layers to your own light. Continue doing what you do to bring more light in to your being through praying for truth to be revealed, being mindful of your thoughts, moving forward with love for yourselves and others who are placed in your path, relinquish unhealthy attachments that no longer serve you. Please do not become complacent in caring for yourselves first. When you care for yourself first, you are able to create the space to care for others when they allow it. As you do this, your connection to the light will strengthen its connection to the collective light and, with that, you will get clear messages about what to do, what to say, where to go at just the right time. Also, as you do this, those around you will begin to see the level of peace that you exude and they will want to "get some of that." This is when you will be role models for those who may be feeling mental torture and you can "open the door," so to speak, by first practicing compassion through love and then by educating them on how you've accessed and strengthened your light. "Continue strengthening your own light, too, by being discerning about the company you keep. Those who drain your vitality will either need to jump on your train or fall by the wayside. You will find yourself at a crossroads here. Those who continue to weigh you down, you will feel the need to make decisions as to whether you will relinquish attachments to and from them. It is encouraged you keep your vitality up by using this discernment and by practicing boundaries with those who drain you. This does not mean you have to cut them out of your life, but do use spiritual protection through love. You may find that the stronger the boundaries you have with certain individuals, the more they will want to pull you down. You will have to make decisions whether to cut them out or not. The best rule of thumb is to go where the love is. If you are not sure, then get still, meditate on the person or situation, and go where the love feeling takes you. "Also, use the love in your family groups and your spiritual groups, that you trust, for your strength. Use these groups to revitalize your energy when you need it. In this case, for now, there will be strength in numbers for you will be providing strength for others as well. This is how your Divine connection will be restored. But, remember to use your boundaries when you feel pulled or weighed down by anyone or anything. "Look around you, brave ones. Bask in the love vibration that you are and that you are a part of because this will be the strength in your resolve for however long you are in human form and beyond. You can take this along with you everywhere you go. This is how you are meant to FEEL as you continue becoming closer to your core-light. "There will be more to be revealed later as we watch how humanity chooses to confront this wave. Carry on, dear ones. You are doing miraculous work…together." © Lori Lines, 2015. All Rights Reserved. By Lori Lines When I began refining my psychic abilities I was told how important it is to be sure to clear the negativity I was picking up from others’ energy. We all have empathic abilities and sometimes we take on other people’s negative thoughts and feelings. Ever been in the company of someone where you feel your energy is drained or you feel tired and disoriented? That’s when it’s time to do some kind of spiritual cleansing for yourself to help you overcome that heavy feeling you just left with. Sometimes, we do not know where the heavy feeling has come from and sometimes we are aware enough to know when it’s happening and with who. I have read many books on the subject and I’ve devised my own way of taking a Spiritual Bath. This is what I most recommend to my clients and students to do on a regular basis. Sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly. But first, I’d like to tell you about what a spiritual bath can do: A bath taken to cleanse or protect a person spiritually, or for any other spiritual or religious purpose, is different from a bath taken to remove the dirt of daily life. Because of the difference, there are basic rules that should be followed when taking a bath intended to produce spiritual effects. When taking a spiritual bath, do not use soap, bath oil or any other ingredients such as these. Once the bath is prepared, you are entering into a spiritual experience, and the ritual requires that you mentally separate regular bathing and the the bathing of the mind or spirit. Spiritual baths cleanse the spirit and the soul. They help heal the wounds the soul is suffering and can help promote the healing of your being. Spiritual baths cannot heal any physical ailment. Do not use these baths to heal any so-called physical condition you may have. If you have a physical illness, consult your physician for treatment. Open wounds of any kind, including surgical incisions, preclude taking tub baths. Do not immerse yourself in water for at least two weeks following any kind of surgery. Water has always been the symbol of life. As the moving essence of life, water has the capacity to cleanse us of those spiritual blocks and accumulations that we acquire during a lifetime. How to take a Spiritual Bath: Lori’s version First of all, remember that a spiritual bath is not intended to clean you of the physical dirt accumulated by being alive. If you want to take a spiritual bath, first take a shower or bath to remove grime. Then clean out the tub or shower, so that you come to the ritual bath with a clean tub. The desire for the spiritual bath relates to the spiritual nature and the tub should be clean of any traces of the physical world. The clean atmosphere could be extended to include a clean bathroom as well. Prepare the bath itself. You will need:
Note: It is optional, but I invoke Archangel Michael and any other help from the highest spiritual realms to help me with this process. Pour the baking soda and the epsom salts into the water as well. Fill the tub to about half full. The temperature of the water does not matter. Just make sure it is comfortable for you to sit in. Enter the tub fully nude, and immediately immerse yourself, head included, in the water. If these instructions seem facetious, let me assure you they are not! One of the guiding lights of modern psychology admitted he had never taken either a bath or shower nude in his entire life, and had no intention of doing so. Nude bathing, and immersion of the head, including the hair, are fundamental requirements for the spiritual bath. You should remain in the spiritual bath for at least 15 minutes for it to have the best effect. During the bath, you may want to have a cup handy and just keep pouring water on yourself. It is advised to keep immersing yourself under the water, head and all, at least 13 times. During the bath, pray for the effectiveness of the bath as you pour the water over yourself until the bath has elapsed. Prayer, intention and focus is extremely important here, for concentration of your thoughts to the matter you wish to develop is aided by prayer. Don’t allow your mind to wander. When you leave the tub, you can either wrap your hair in a towel but don’t dry it. Put on a bathrobe or wrap yourself in a clean towel - to cover your wet body, but do not towel dry. It is important that you allow your body to air dry. Do not bathe again or wash your hair for 24 hours following a bath for spiritual improvement. Whether or not you notice a change after a spiritual bath, rest assured the bath has had its effect. The effect is on spiritual levels of consciousness, not on the physical one. Unless you have conscious access to the level of spiritual sensation you may only notice that you feel “lighter” after the bath. For me, the effects of spiritual baths are felt strongly. Whether or not you feel any difference depends on your level of spiritual consciousness. For those who are “sensitives” such as myself, it is wise to take the bath in the morning hours rather than the evening. When I was just beginning the spiritual work, many years ago, I took a spiritual bath at night before I was to go to bed and the effects were that of taking in many cups of coffee for me! I didn’t sleep a wink that night or the next day! So, be forewarned! © Lori Lines, 2012 - 2013 All Rights Reserved |
Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories