![]() By Lori Lines Over the last several decades, the age of technology has crept into our lives. With each decade, new advancements and discoveries have facilitated, accelerated, and, in many ways, encumbered our lives. Most people cannot say precisely when or how, but the media, technology, and artificial intelligence have become essential to daily functioning for many members of society. With that, issues with depression, anxiety, apathy, and spiritual, emotional, and mental imbalances have increased, lowering our vibrational frequency. Yet, there is hope with the 3rd to 5th-dimensional ascension when we have the opportunity to lift our vibrations to resonate with the love, light, and harmony of "New Earth," or the 5D. However, the disconnection AI and the media fosters impairs our ability to achieve actual ascension. This disconnect leads many to numb the pain of the 3rd dimension, get lost in a state of learned helplessness, and resort to counterfeit forms of ascension that only temporarily elevate. The time is now to break free from the disinformation, chaos, and despair the current fear-mongering, upheaval, and shallow experiences generate. We must empower ourselves, learn to honor our personal truths, follow our intuition, and realize and align with the harmonious vibration of the Divine that dwells within us, but how? First, we must practice self-awareness. Without judging or projecting an emotional response, start asking yourself why. Why do you get up and turn the news on before you've nourished yourself? Why do you spend your free time exposing yourself to social media and the fear-provoking posts? Why do you lose yourself in your phone or tv to avoid sitting quietly with your thoughts? By becoming aware of your motivations, what DRIVES you, you can gradually begin to change your behavior. This is how you will find the willpower to turn off the news and disconnect from social media. Allowing more time for you to connect with yourself as a spiritual being through meditation, journaling, or simply enjoying being one with nature. We ARE nature unless we succumb to the noise of AI. This is how you reencounter yourself as a being of energy and light, a spiritual being on a temporary human journey. This is not to say your body is inconsequential! Your physical vessel holds cellular memories of this life and the last. Your body is a temple to manifest the present and prepare for a more loving, aligned, divine future. It is through honoring your physical body that you realign with the heartbeat of nature. There is a vitality and strength that comes from realizing that you are one with the rambling rivers, centuries-old trees, and the ever-changing seasons. By embracing this unity, you will reawaken to the divine universal interworking and the oneness and completion it represents. Ultimately, we are meant to ascend the physical, but first, we must take a journey that celebrates our temporal vessels' preciousness and sanctity. For it is within that you will learn the divine resonance of empowerment, strength, self-assuredness, self-trust, and peace. This is the meaning of true freedom, when you are liberated enough to think for yourself, act in accordance with your personal beliefs and highest values and pursue the path of ascension. As they say, freedom is not just doing what we want. It is doing what is right. Liberate yourself! In love and truth, Lori Lines To help get back into your body, check out my Body Scan Meditation by clicking here:
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Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories