By Lori Lines Hello Everyone. Many of you are very intuitive and many of you read people whether you are doing this as your career or not. What I want to address, here, is sometimes your predictions come true and sometimes they don't. If they don't, don't despair! There are reasons for this: 1.) It is the ego that needs to be right. Do not feel bad if, all of a sudden you are realizing outcomes are different than you anticipated at the time of your reading. The truth is there are so many energetic shifts now as time is quickening that sometimes this just happens! And, just because you've been "right" before and you identify yourself as a light worker doesn't mean you are above reproach. We are all awakening to who we really are and you are not God. As long as you stay in integrity with what you see, feel, and hear at the time - communicate this to your client while staying detached to a specific outcome - you will realize the truth within yourself. If you are "wrong" then there's a lesson in this for you or for the one you are reading, or both. Perhaps the lesson for you is to go back to the reasons you do this work in the first place and determine if it was for reasons that no longer serve you. Ask yourself if you are still in your integrity. For the client, perhaps it's time for them to learn to listen to their own intuition. 2.) I'm seeing a wonderful shift. Although you are a Light Worker and your path has been to deliver messages from beyond, you are shifting into something better. You are being called to open yourself and go deeper and expand into your true purpose. Your task is to empower others to see their own truth by honoring your own and, if your regular crowd of clients is thinning out, not only can this mean you've done your job, it also can mean it's time to become true to yourself! We are not here to foster dependency and those of you who have, well, it's time to awaken to this fact and determine what you are going to do now. Spirit will only allow any of us to go so far until we hit on another layer of truth. When this happens then, perhaps, it's time to shift the focus. The collective is awakening, including you, and this means others are becoming aware of their own connection with spirit. When you see this, cheer them on! I'm beginning to see many of you moving into an identity crisis much like a parent who's experiencing the empty nest syndrome The good news is YOU ARE SHIFTING, LIGHTWORKER, and you are ascending to higher ground where you will be realizing and expressing your innate gifts in, perhaps, a different way. You are still pioneering - but as the collective ascends,the way you express yourself will take on different forms. 3.) Realize your job has been to be a part of a community that assists in pulling the collective along to a certain point in our evolution. If you find yourself shifting into the desire to do something else, it doesn't mean you have failed, it means you are shifting into another aspect of yourself. So, stretch and grow! Go with the flow! Serve yourself in an authentic way. Here's another truth: Because the Light Worker's path has been extremely difficult and because you are also a healer, you have been given the gift of brimming with desire to serve others and, at the same time, you've been learning who you really are in the process. That takes a lot of strength and courage! It's also part of your own path to enlightenment. Those of us who've survived this shift, will now be called to stop separating ourselves from others and to join in, take a look at how far we've come, and take part in the wave of higher consciousness. It is now time for everyone to find their happiness and well-being, including you! Know that after all you've been through and with all the people you've supported along the way, it is now your time. Walk your talk. Create. Stop sacrificing yourself in service. It's no longer relevant! So much is waiting for you as you continue to open yourselves up to true happiness. If you are walking your talk, trust the Universe is leading you to express your specific signature and let go of the old. It is now time for your rewards for all you've done. Bravo!
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Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories