by Lori Lines Because of the work I do, I have had many occasion to face, up close and personal, the dark side. This is not limited to those with whom I've come in contact, but, within myself. None of us are immune to the dark side. It's part of the human experience and, if you ask me, I believe we are here to experience duality in order to make the choices of which side we want to be on. Of course, being in the light and being in the dark can become very convoluted. So, what is "dark?" Dark is the absence of light. One thing I've learned is that anything that is dark holds us back from love, freedom, or life. Darkness can show up as a limiting belief or a lack of openness. It can show up as an attachment or an addiction which diverts our attention from light. Dark can feel constrained, limiting, weighing us down from the realization of all that is possible. It can show up as lies, deceit, manipulation of another, control, distraction, and withholding information. It is judgement. It clutches. It is stubborn. It takes no responsibility for its own happiness. There are many variations of darkness and as our society progresses - what with all the messages from the media and the way our society is taught to trust and believe - we see many shades of gray. Sometimes this results in depression, labels, confusion, a lack of direction or alignment with our own moral values. Fear. Sickness. Mental instability. Light is the absence of dark. However, I must say here that we cannot have one without the other in order to identify which is which. Light is freedom, a lightness of being. It is health and well-being and a positive energy flow. It is vitality. It is that which makes you feel alive and feeling good about yourself. It is truth. It is transparent. It is information. It is trust in the inner and the outer workings of the Universe. It is unconditional love of self and others and all that is. It is embracing the darkness and its many shades of gray with compassion. It is the realization and true understanding of the interconnectedness of all. It is authenticity in each moment. It is standing in one's own moral values that values all of life, in all it's forms. It takes the high road. It takes responsibility for one's own happiness. Of course, again, there are many shades of gray and until we can see and embrace our light and continue to shine this in those shadow places that seem dark within ourselves, address the ego barriers we cause within and therefore, without, humanity will stagnate, grow darker, and complete itself. If you haven't already figured this out, we are at a crossroads. Many light/love workers are in our midst and the numbers are growing. But, just as the light rises, the dark rises up in intensity to meet it. This is part of our human experience and, I believe, this is something that is changing. What many don't seem to understand, however, is that it begins with the one you see in the mirror. There is an Old Chinese Proverb that really resonates here. It is this: When there is light in the soul, There is beauty in the person; When there is beauty in the person, There is harmony in the home; When there is harmony in the home, There is honor in the nation; When there is honor in the nation, There is peace in the world. So, for those of you who are new to all this I want to share my experiences with what a light worker is as well as a dark worker and how they function on this planet: Light Workers usually do not feel as if they "fit in" with normal society. During childhood they feel as if they are different and misunderstood (sadly, by most of their own family members.) This feeling of "not fitting in" is often compounded by suffering emotional, spiritual, sexual, and/or physical abuse from those around them. Growing up is very painful and lonely. Some feel so different, it even crosses their mind that they may have been sent from another planet or galaxy. I believe Light Workers choose to incarnate in “difficult” or “dysfunctional” families in order to set them on the path of seeking their own truth and light through self-exploration. Light Workers often have a nagging feeling they are here to fulfill a “Divine Purpose.” Even if they are not sure what that may be. There is a chronic, inner feeling of urgency, angst, and restlessness. This feeling can be misunderstood and labeled as a “mental health” issue by society. From my perspective, I question if this is why mental health has sprung up to be so prevalent during this lifetime. The Light Worker energy is very different and therefore, needs a label by society’s standards. It’s the collective ego’s way to attempt to define and control this “strange” way of being. Just a thought. Most Light Workers embody a great deal of compassion for others. Many go out of their way to help someone in need...even to their own detriment. There is an undeniable, almost compulsion, that bubbles up from inside the Light Worker to assist someone in need of wisdom, a good deed, a warning, or just an expression of love...even if the recipient is not open to it or repelled by it. Sometimes, Light Workers have trouble saying “no” to others’ requests if they have not learned to set strong boundaries. Light Workers are empathic. This means they can actually FEEL other people’s emotions...especially if they are in pain. In early years, the Light Worker may actually SUFFER this pain and mistake it for their own. As the Light Worker grows up, he/she begins to understand this and embarks on learning ways to discern the difference between picking up on others’ pain and what is their own. Light Workers, being empathic, are on this earth to help transmute the pain and suffering of the world by taking it on and learning how to release it to God. In so doing, they uncover and realize more of their own light and power to be expressed. Light Workers often are lonely, however, most of the time they prefer to spend time alone or just with their partner and close family rather than to be around many others who do not understand them. Oftentimes, a Light Worker may “fake” being social so they will fit in better rather than being judged “the different one” in the room. Many Light Workers report feeling lonely - even in a crowd. When a Light Worker is younger, their relationships tend to be very unbalanced. The vibrational frequency of a Light Worker attracts wounded people while the Light Worker continues to give. Later in life, the Light Worker exhibits better boundaries with others because they get tired of being taken advantage of time and time again. Once again, growing into and recognizing their own power of healing. Light Workers crave the unconditional love and acceptance they are so willing to put out to others but rarely find it since their vibrational frequency usually attracts wounded souls. Sometimes, many years of relationships that just don’t pan out becomes very discouraging to them. Those who partner with a Light Worker need to either be one themselves or the Light Worker has to be able to accept, unconditionally, the vibrational disconnection that sometimes arises between these partners. The underlying salve to the latter is that of strong boundaries. Otherwise, the Light Worker’s energy can become depleted and they can become ill...all while their "darker" partner becomes stronger and more powerful in ego. Light Workers tend to have very little interest in such earthly subjects that the masses tend to obsess over such as gossip, nightly news, celebrities, sports, fashion trends, youthful appearances, acquisition, politics, etc. These things are deemed just too dense, heavy, depressing and negative to the higher ascended Light Workers. Many Light Workers are not materialistic, however, they may appreciate a few quality things that hold energetic meaning for them. They are usually not impressed with status symbols. As long as they have enough to live a decent life, they are usually satisfied. Light Workers often hold the sacred space of idealizing the earth as a loving place. Violence of any kind feels horrifying and incomprehensible. They tend to want to make the world a better place while they are in human form. Light Workers tend to be polite and kind to others even if others do not reciprocate. Many are sensitive and cry easily. Crying is usually their way of releasing and transmuting the dark energy they have absorbed. Light Workers don’t care to succumb to competitiveness and sometimes don’t feel the need to stick up for themselves. They value love, peace and harmony above all else. They dislike arguing unless they KNOW they are justified. However, Light Workers can become extremely angry when they see any living thing treated with cruelty or unjustly. I have seen some cry when a tree is sick or is cut down for the purpose of development. Most Light Workers are drawn to helping professions: Social Work, medicine, healing of all kinds, teaching, helping animals and the environment, psychic work, writing, psychology, Feng Shui, ministerial work...anything pertaining to the well-being of humanity. Even if a Light Worker is not involved in any profession such as these, they may partake in voluntary efforts or hobbies devoted to the well-being of humanity. Light Workers’ careers can also be in creative fields such as acting, art, music, designing jewelry, working with crystals...anything that is sparked by imagination and creativity. They usually are naturally gifted in one or all of these areas. Many Light Workers are not religious in a traditional sense even if they are raised in a very religious household. Religious dogma that promotes separation can be very hurtful to them. They are deeply spiritual. They know how to practice unconditional love. They usually love to read books and/or listen to spiritual and personal growth topics. Sometimes they feel drawn to subjects such as science fiction; ET’s and UFO’s; ancient civilizations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, and Ancient Egypt. Dreams and the subject of dreams are found very interesting to Light Workers. Many Light Workers have seen and sense Angels, Fairies, and other types of entities in the spirit realms. Sometimes, they see and feel auras and energy. Unlike most who have bought in to the fear of death by the messages our society perpetuates, Light Workers are not afraid of death because they know the spirit lives on even after the body dies. Many Light Workers have had supernatural experiences such as seeing UFO’s, Ghosts, apparitions, etc. They are usually not surprised with these events as many others are - in fact this seems natural to Light Workers. Often, Light Workers are drawn to all-natural foods that keep their vibration level high. Many turn to organic, processed free foods or they turn out to be vegetarian or vegan, if their bodies function better eating this way. Light Workers can be very sensitive to loud sounds, strong smells and crowds. Light workers tend to see the truth. Sometimes, Light Workers suffer or are in recovery from addictions such as drugs, alcohol, and overeating. Even if they do not fit the true definition of the “addict,” they still may have the tendency to abuse certain substances. It is an attempt to numb the psychological pain and depression they feel at times that come from the dark forces. Oftentimes, Light Workers have suffered from depression and if they have sought counseling, they may have been misdiagnosed or simply not found real relief because of their energetic sensitivities. Earth and the human condition is very hard for the Light Worker. In general, they find it difficult to live in this world. Usually because of the violence, destruction, disrespect for one another and the environment, aggressiveness, greed, etc. They find this behavior unconscionable. Light Workers yearn to go HOME, even if they don’t consciously remember where that is. They have thought about suicide or simply wished to die when the pain has become overwhelming. They have felt they do not belong in this world, yet they know they are here to shine light even when they are weary and the loneliness becomes too much. The more evolved Light worker has no problem being alone. They enjoy their own company and have no need to be around people on a regular basis. This is when there's no void to fill and they possess a self-love that, when they are with another, there's no taking someone else' energy. They are self-contained. At this time in our evolution, many Light Workers feel they are awaiting a “call” or “orders” to do something or to be a part of something big for Humanity. Much like a soldier stands in high alert, yet weary, for an attack, Light Workers have this innate feeling they need to be ready and waiting for orders from higher ups. This is why humanity’s collective consciousness is opening and awakening to the understanding of the interconnectivity of all that is. In recent years, and this process is still occurring, a Light Worker may find their social life shrinking. Many old friendships have ended, many loved ones have passed over, etc. If a Light Worker is married or is in a significant relationship with a person who is not a spiritual person or a Light Worker in any sense, they may find themselves wanting to end that relationship at this time. In addition, there may be a strong desire to move to another location. Perhaps, the Light Worker may want to relocate to a place they have never thought about before. Many Light Workers are experiencing a loss of interest in their careers and have an “inner sense” that there is something else or somewhere else they are meant to do or to be. However, the frustration lies in not knowing yet what or where that is. Mainly, because it has not been revealed yet. Light Workers are feeling completely fed up, tired of their old lives, and wanting big change. Many are feeling as if they are just waiting, yet sensing something big is about to happen. Generally speaking, this is where we are now. All human beings, including Light Workers, have "dark" or "shadow" sides to them. This is the reason for our incarnation. To experience it, express it (in a safe place), heal it, and let it go. This is the reason for the human experience. Each time we let go of a shadow (internal and external baggage), we ascend to a higher plane of existence and we feel "lighter." How to recognize a "Dark Worker" Since I've written about Light Workers, I have received numerous questions about the opposite. If we have Light Workers there are, obviously, Dark Workers. How else can one distinguish one from the other if both do not exist? This is where we are in our evolution. I don't like to give them too much credence, however, because as a Light Worker I don't get too caught up in their negativity. However, as a human being, we all have some of these characteristics and it is our job to recognize these characteristics that are embedded in ego, to not judge it, to heal and to release it. In order to have light, one must be able to have experienced and have seen dark. I've made my choices because of what I've experienced and what I have seen. I can honestly say I have come face to face with, what I deem as, true evil. Again, keep in mind, there are varying shades of gray. Very few people restrict themselves to a commitment to being just a Light Worker or a Dark Worker. The difference between a Light Worker and a Dark Worker is this: A Light Worker dedicates their lives serving humanity for the greater good. A Dark Worker dedicates their lives to serving themselves. It is this simple. It is this complicated. It is a conscious choice one makes. A Dark Worker begins their life very much like a Like Worker. They often do not feel as if they fit in and at some point, their pain becomes so great, they build their ego barriers to the point of choosing to master their Dark side. No matter which side is chosen to commit to, once the inner commitment is made, it is impossible to compartmentalize such a position. It becomes who they are and it spills over in their behaviors. The Dark Worker’s mind is not aligned with their inner being. They can be described as “fragmented.” As a consequence, their logical thoughts are misaligned and they are not guided by their intuitive feelings but are guided, instead, by the irrational fears of their subconscious. They give expression to all negative desires within their personalities which they have repressed and then project onto others. Dark Workers unplug their thinking minds to their feeling hearts and they are quite capable of behaving like robots. Dark Workers do and say everything in their power to prevent themselves from receiving the very thing that they need the most: love and compassion. These things can be, but are not limited to, staying in relationships that are not loving; resisting heart-centered relationships, choosing earthly desires such as sex without love, money, false admiration, their jobs - over real heart connections. Dark Workers are forever trying to provoke Light Workers into doing battle so as to transform the interaction from a playful dance into a serious war. I’ve seen this in the Spiritual community as well as the not so spiritual community. They provoke arguments and disagreements designed to become the winner. Often, the Dark Worker will use others to carry out their plans and agendas through the use of manipulation or fear. They have to have others in their life to do this so the Dark Worker is not be held responsible when the plans do not work. The Dark Worker never questions their worth. They KNOW they are superior. Dark Workers rarely have long term, close-knit, intimate relationships. They usually sabotage them. However, this can be a symptom of the Light Worker, too, but for different underlying reasons. Dark Workers sabotage relationships through betrayal and casting aside others because they don’t need them to carry out their agendas any longer. Light Workers sabotage relationships because they do not feel worthy or they shine a light of love so bright into the shadow sides of others that the other uses their own shame and guilt to pull back or to leave the relationship. Dark workers continue rippling out their negativity by complaining, commiserating, and lamenting over their problems to anyone who will listen. Usually a light worker. Dark workers usually have an attachment to a certain outcome and will do or say anything to reach that goal, eventually exploiting another. The Dark Worker's ego will rarely allow them to see themselves as less than noble. Blaming others for their failings. Dark workers sometimes use sex or money to reach their goals. Dark workers usually revere money, status, appearances above all else. Dark workers lie and cheat for personal gain. They will often stay in an unhealthy relationship for personal gain. Dark workers are usually not very intuitive or in sync with the larger, more spiritual picture. Therefore, they will sacrifice true love for more earthly pleasures and to keep themselves from realizing their own light. Dark workers are very uncomfortable being alone with themselves and facing their own truths. They must distract themselves in one way or another by exhibiting compulsive behaviors such as over-attention to business, work, substance abuse, sex, creating drama, shopping, gambling, exercise, passive entertainments, porn, relationships - among just a few. Although these behaviors appear, on the surface, to be self-serving and vain, it really serves to undermine their self-worth. Dark workers take delight in seeing the unhappiness and suffering of others. Mainly because they have to create separation and duality so they can feel alive, superior, empowered, and important. However, this is a false self they have subscribed to. Dark workers feel jealous and envy when others are truly happy. Again, they are contributing to their perceptions of duality. Rather than being happy for others' good fortune, they seek to deny their own. The Dark Worker rarely rests and usually suffers angst, anxiety, or a general malaise about themselves and their own lives. Dark Workers usually believe what the "establishment" sets up and tells them to believe. They put a lot of emphasis on rank, power, degrees and certifications, big names, and fame. Usually dishonoring their own intuition and truth. Whether the Dark Worker is conscious of this or not, they seek to dim the light worker's path through creating chaos that can show up in many ways, such as picking arguments, possessiveness, jealousy, distractions, and other means.
4/29/2020 11:20:15 pm
I am indeed a light worker, my Mother, I believe is the latter... please pray for peace love and light in our household in our hearts and in our home, that it be so bright, it reaches even the darkest corners of our home. Also, please pray for protection, for my children, myself and for my own mother. I have tried to break through her stubborn and impossible mindset so she may see we need to be a team, only then when we are working together to help one another will we succeed... she was unable to even grasp or fathom the thought.
4/10/2022 11:41:58 am
Boundaries, boundaries , boundaries..... Establish as much and as many as you need to feel comfortable - don't be ashamed to stand up for yourself...
Morgan M Carlson
6/24/2021 11:22:20 pm
Thank you for this Lori ❤
11/24/2021 07:42:35 am
Thank you for this valuable information! It had me thinking, I know you mentioned dark workers thrive on ego as a human being but is it possible that dark workers can use spiritual gifts for their dark purpose?
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Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories