![]() By Lori Lines The fifth chakra is centered in the hollow of your throat and it is your means of communicating with and ministering to the outside world. The functioning of most upper organs - eyes, brain, ears, mouth, nose, thyroid gland, bronchial tubes - is regulated by this chakra. When the throat chakra is healthy in size, unobstructed and working well, all your senses are sharp. Your sincerity is obvious to those around you. You say exactly what you mean, and what you say is well-received. Your phrasing and tone are such that people are seldom put off or threatened or hurt by your words. You don't subvert your own intention in order to be polite, but neither do you inflict careless verbal injury. Clairaudience, the intuitive aptitude for hearing astral voices and music is the psychic power that arises from the unencumbered activity of the throat chakra. On the contrary, if you ignore what your senses take in, if you are apt to feel mortified over what you just said, if you have trouble asserting yourself verbally and articulating what you mean, if there's a big discrepancy between what you say and what you do, or if you tend to indulge in rumor, innuendo, or idle chit chat, it's the fifth chakra that needs attention. Another common pattern of fifth-chakra misuse is that of the authoritarian who is rigid of opinion, stiff-necked, and tight-lipped in order to control the output of the mouth. As you work on restoring balance, strength and resilience to the fifth chakra, it helps enormously to suspend critical judgments and glimpse the spark of Divinity in each person and in each facet of nature. This includes letting go of prejudices and vengeful schemes and refraining from loose, manipulative talk. In most cases, your fifth closes down because you won't speak up. You don't trust the world with what you have to express, and you don't trust yourself to go ahead and say it. If such is the situation, strengthen your fifth by finding new outlets for your expressive energy. Let the radiance of your heart rise up and penetrate your throat. Or try humming so that the sound resonates throughout your neck. Sound is the key to opening the fifth chakra. Singing your children to sleep, chanting in a circle, and singing aloud are positive expressions of the primal scream. When your fifth is an open conduit, your speaking voice is clear and bell-like, without insinuating overtones. It conveys an appealing richness, and if you're musically inclined your abilities are vastly sharpened. Like the first and fourth chakras, the second and fifth are paired up - more noticeably so in women and children. Owing to a fear of rejection, you may restrain yourself from speaking freely. In an effort to win acceptance, you may be heedlessly verbose and given to wild statements. Considering that the fifth chakra channels directly to every sense but touch, one of its main purposes is to keep you involved in the sensory world. Meanwhile, your emotional life and sense of touch are nourished by the second chakra. In general, numbness is a two-level weakness that affects both the second and the fifth. When people shut off their hearing, fog their vision, or develop speech problems, it's often because they're allowing a pattern of emotional deadening to ride up from the sacral center to the throat center. The third chakra also pairs with the fifth, particularly in men. When a man's self-worth is inadequate, he lacks the "guts" to speak his mind. People who charge into a room or throw their weight around conversationally are showing third-fifth excess. Verbal battering is an extreme version of this. The fifth pairs, in turn, with the seventh (crown chakra). In fact, good functioning of the fifth is crucial to the opening of the seventh. It's the first step on the path to clarity: the capacity to see through your pretensions, ambitions, errors and miseries by means of regular self-examination. With clarity, you have the advantage of common sense, whether or not you happen to be talented in other ways. You don't waste your energy on mythical monsters in the closet of your own making. Unfortunately, the fifth can also be the center from which you spin worry, which is the opposite of clarity. Worry stems from deluded sense perceptions, fed by second-chakra insecurity. Most worries dissolve in the light of self-knowledge and self-acceptance, aided by the self-assurance that results from the day-to-day discipline of working toward these goals. When you find yourself worrying about someone else, look to see what aspect of yourself might be at the root of your anxiety. If you are agitated within, it's next to impossible to receive a precise reading of any message from your intuition or even the best psychic. Even straight, loud, talking can't get through to your conscious mind. The clarity of an open fifth chakra is what gives you an ear for inner wisdom and understanding. If you find, after reading the above, that you have fifth chakra issues, these are the essential oils that help open and raise the vibrations of the throat. Single oils include: Roman Chamomile, Tea Tree, Lemon, Lavender, Patchouli, Hyssop. Oil Blends include: Hope, Valor, Envision, and Believe. It is recommended you apply 2 drops of one of these oils, along with a carrier oil, to the throat area. To purchase any the above product(s) you may click here and decide if you want to be a retail customer or to take advantage of the wholesale prices. Click here if you are not already a Young Living Essential Oils member. In my opinion through extensive research and intuitive experience, these oils are of the highest vibrational frequency available on the planet. *Always consult a qualified medical professional before using any natural product and seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. The information contained in this article as well as all Essential Oils articles in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only, and it is not meant to replace medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. Never delay or disregard professional medical advice, Use the information solely at your own risk; the author accepts no responsibility for the use thereof. The information and materials are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness or injury.
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Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories