By Lori Lines There is a purpose of Twin Flame physical separation. The good news is there is always spiritual connection through the infinite energy of love. Twin flames need separation when they need to recognize their own souls again. When we incarnate on the earth plane we are brought up to believe in and to live our lives in illusion, 3 D thinking, and limiting beliefs. Twin flames need to have a time of separation in order for them to discover their true selves, their soul identity and to work through solving the ego barriers and limiting beliefs. This naturally takes time. Even if one or both intellectually understands this phenomenon, it doesn't mean one is ready to reunite. Often there is, first, an intellectual understanding but this new upgrade in awareness needs to be integrated within both twins at every level in order for them to truly embody their balanced soul essence. It is preordained that the Twin Flame will have an initial meeting in the physical, to experience the uprush of love energy through the chakras. Then, one or both Twins realize they cannot go on in the relationship, as it is, because of a fear the other will see them as they truly are, and then one or both will initiate a time of physical separation where they are forced to look within to truly discover what is real. Sometimes Twin Flames will go through a period of resisting this new awareness which is slowly awakening to their consciousness. Many fear the unknown and they fear that if they embrace their true selves then they won't be accepted by those around them because, often, on the earth plane, we grow up believing we need to change ourselves in order to be accepted unconditionally. So many Twin Flames go through a time of resisting their true selves, their true identity, because they associate their true selves as not being good enough. How do they resist? By indulging in their addictions and life distractions. They fear that everyone, especially their twin, will reject them if they allow them to get close to them and see their real selves, but also because many of us have been conditioned to deny the self our whole lives. May of us don't remember who we truly are so Twin Flames go through a period of separation so as to tune into themselves to find answers to what this "soul pull" is really about. This leads them to discover their true selves underneath all the layers of masks and conditioning through family and society. They have to go through this time in order to de-clutter and clear everything within themselves as well as those in their sphere that is no longer true. Everything that is illusion. Everything that stands in the way of our true essence of love. In order to really embody the soul truth of this Earth, and this is not just about the Twin Flames (the couple), it's about anchoring the energies of true soul love onto the 3D plane of existence. When the Twin Flame(s) go for separation they often feel the pull to each other more intensely and it does cause them to look inward. Some people resist this more than others depending on how deep the core wounds are and how strongly the egoic protective barrier has been built. Eventually, the pull becomes so great that they finally look within themselves and as they begin to discover more and, more importantly, to embrace themselves as they are, they become more of the embodiment of their soul truth which is love. And, this act anchors more love onto the Earth plane to help awaken others. But also, as only 3D illusions, outdated thinking, and old paradigms begin to fall away, they start to realize that the one thing that always remains true is the love they feel for their Twin Flame. The love they feel in their heart, which forever stays the same and eventually grows stronger when everything else on the 3D level changes. And, when they realize the love has always been there and has never gone away and has only become stronger, they begin to realize love is not how society has defined love. This new realization, therefore, helps them to see what love really is and what love really is not. What we've been told love is, by society, is an illusion. Through the separation when they know the love still remains and is incredibly strong and getting stronger, they know that they need to follow their intuition more, follow their intuition more in order to experience the truth - to really experience true love. They realize they can no longer follow their head or follow what everyone else is saying that love is. The Twin Flame becomes more and more intuitive and embodies the new "template" or the new frequency. The Twin Flame is tasked with embodying and channeling the truth about love and holding space for the transmission of the Twin Flame love frequency that is and will continue to break down old beliefs and paradigms about what true love is on this planet. In other words, Twin Flames incarnate to this planet to awaken other people to what true love is. They have already ascended this planet when they come to this realization for themselves. They have already learned the lessons they need to learn and come from other dimensions to awaken others in order to raise the vibration on the planet. It may appear that one Twin Flame has not learned all of the lessons of this earth plane but we all reincarnate. Every time we are born we come into the world in a state of amnesia. Every time we incarnate we go through life lessons to help us awaken to the level of where we were when we were last here. But every time we go through adversities in life and come back to the vibration of true love we learn more and more as our soul becomes fuller and our capacity to love becomes even deeper and wider than before. When we come to this planet we choose a shadow side and it's like we set up the challenge to question, "can I still love myself even though there's a shadow side?" It's about self-acceptance. This is the key reason Twin Flames go through a temporary physical separation - so they can learn to love and accept themselves again in a more authentic and real way. They are much more than they've been told they are and what we have told ourselves we are through our ego identities. We all need to go through certain situations and to go through some karma and meet other soul connections so as to awaken us to remembering who we are again in each lifetime. Therefore, we grow more each time. Because if we knew and remembered everything about our soul-selves, then we would not have to go through adversity, but those adversities help us grow more. As souls, we are compelled to grow and this happens no matter how hard we resist through our egoic distractions. Everything in the Universe is in expansion and growth all the time. So, Twin flames will go through this separation in order to break through all the barriers of illusion and all the misconceptions we have about ourselves. The misconceptions that we are not good enough. It's about clearing the way for the soul to shine through us. This needs to occur, in both twins, who endeavor to radiate from the soul. When we project our ego identities, our 3D illusions on a day-to-day basis - unconsciously and unaware of ourselves, then that's what we attract into our lives back. We attract others who will also be wearing masks of deception, who will be inherently dishonest and unaware, living in their own illusions. We can only truly reunite with our Twin Flame when we are truly radiating from our souls, radiating truth on all levels. This is the only way we can manifest the truth back to us, the truth of our soul back. If we are not in alignment with our soul, then we cannot manifest our true reflection in our Twin Flame. Twin Flames are a mirror reflection of each other. So, if one is feeling like they are mostly healed or completely healed and the other still has a ton of issues or baggage, it's an illusion because they are reflecting back to you their own issues - perhaps manifesting in slightly different ways. But the core issues will still be the same. So, if one is believing they are ready and the other is not, they are either living in an illusion and need to see the truth or the other person is not really their Twin Flame. The good news is, if this person is your true Twin Flame, then if you truly begin working even deeper on healing yourself and embracing your truth, then as your reflection, your Twin Flame will also start to do the same thing. It may take one Twin a little longer to catch up, but eventually they will and they will become a vibrational match to you once again. It is through your merged chakras and your ONE energy between you both when you start radiating this love frequency and it will travel to your Twin Flame and the more you embody light and love, the more light will shine on their shadows, too, to bring in more light. Everything we shine that light onto, if it doesn't run, will turn into that light too. If you truly prioritize your own healing it will have a positive effect on your Twin flame. And, when you reunite (whether in this lifetime or another) you both will be the embodiment of love that will heal humanity bringing with it bliss and harmony among all. As I heal myself, so shall you be healed. What a divine privilege it is to be a Twin Flame. Wouldn't you say? © Lori Lines, All Rights Reserved. 2016
2/25/2019 01:06:27 pm
Thank you! This is absolutely beautiful and informative. I understand Twin Flame energy on a new level now. Thank you, thank you!
Catherine Prescott
8/20/2020 09:54:31 am
this was beautifully written and very informative. I am going through the separation process right now and it is so difficult. This has given me a better understanding. Thank you.
Elle G.
1/17/2021 12:15:22 pm
I’m currently in separation, ready to move forward after 3 1/2 years. I’m ready to push the limit, find the creative solutions I need to find my happiness. It won’t be easy but I’m ready finally now to love and be loved.
6/15/2021 01:16:17 pm
Thankyou I know all this and I am working on this getting more centred but the pull is so strong sometimes but I know its too soon to contact him thats how I sabotaged my side I pushed then chased pushed then chased this time I pushed but I won't chase xxx
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Author Lori LinesDisclaimer: Lori is a high-level channel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen. Categories